1. Your country
2. Is there an increased amount of racism towards Chinese in your country due to recent events?
Canada, and yes. I get dirty looks everywhere I go now from people because they think the Chinese are responsible for the virus.
1. Your country
2. Is there an increased amount of racism towards Chinese in your country due to recent events?
Canada, and yes. I get dirty looks everywhere I go now from people because they think the Chinese are responsible for the virus.
Not that I’ve noticed but I’m not Asian
i have noticed way more racist sentiment in my friend group against zipperheads, even among normies, and i have been stimulating that hate by posting images of zipperheads boiling pupperinos and cats and shit in whatsapp groups. hope zipperheads will get expelled out of the west
They are responsible and they do deserve the hate
well, they are
there's an increased amount of racism towards wh*toids here because they don't wear masks despite having american virus
I'm Chinese-Canadian and I haven't been to China in 3 years. I do not deserve the hate and so do many other Chinese people here in Canada. We are not responsible for the virus, pandemics happen all the time in the world
yes i feel more hatred towards chinese now than i did before
anything else?
The virus is a PR disaster for Chyna, compounded by the fact that they sold millions of malfunctioned/dirtied equipment to Europe during time of crisis
Here on early February (like a whole month before the infection exploded here) a news-report said chinese-owned stores and restaurants were seeing a 50% drop in customers all over Spain.
I can't tell about actual racism because the chinese community at least in my city is almost non-existent.
>in three years
I'm half Chinese and I've never felt more self-hatred than I do now, despite being born and raised here and have nothing at all to do with China.
just own it and repay for your sins bro. stop trying to blame others.
I haven't seen it for myself but yeah there are some horror stories about Chinese people getting bullied in NYC etc.
Pretty bullshit, I dont remember Brits being attacked for mad cow disease.
Zhang, canada is one of the most accepting countries for asian, do you live in quebec or something?
You’re walking around wearing surgical masks which don’t work and are probably fake. You need N95 masks and they are non-existent right now. Social distancing is much more effective.
I live in Toronto, and despite what you think there is a lot of racism here still
Well the mad cow disease didn't bring the whole world's economy to a standstill nor did it kill dozens of thousands of people.
If I see you OP I will bully you. Prepare to be bullied.
>Chinese are responsible for the virus
of course
Holy shit there really are Canadian Zhangs on here. I thought it was a meme.
I haven't noticed much but I'm not Asian. It's a shame that the American virus is making so much pointless trouble for our Asian friends.
there has been no increase in any sort of discriminory behaviour liar. and your personal experience does not count as evidence
if there was then our liberal government would exploit it endlessly. unless you're talking about minority vs minority racism then no such thing exists in toronto
Yes, dark times ahead my friend.
insects should not mix with humans. if i get and ant colony that bothers me i pour gasoline on it and light it on fire.