Set tinder location to SEA

>set tinder location to SEA
>3 hours later
>get 8 likes and 6 matches
Why do they love wh*Te people so much?

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>Set location SEA
>0 matches in 24 hours

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>get 8 likes and 6 matches
>after 3 hours

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did you real swipe right on these
what a fuckin loser

Do you spam right swipe on everyone?

It's over for you bro. Time to give up.

>those weird ass thots
nothing value was lost, i got much better match

is this a joke?

I don't even bother with sea countries. The place where I got the most matches was sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro by far

Time to give up on girls

why dont they show the face..?

and why only 6 matches? op must be dangerously ugly

Lmao, this is very true. I had a girlfriend from Indonesia, every few days I would get inundated with her thirsty friends sending me requests and pms. So much for devout Muslims.

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indonesian women are equivalent of indian men, nothing to brag about

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I wasn't. I was meant to be teaching her English, but instead I was teaching her about sexting.

>ugly women and no profile pics

You go, chad

What do you look like?

Based Davido-kun.

All women are whores.

>Yeah I wanna fuck a cup of coffee and 2D women

How do you change location?

like ugly

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>3 hours later
I got 99+ in an hour making a dumb meme kot profile and setting the location to us

I wanna fuck a 2d girl

pics or it didnt happen

>SEA has REAL LIFE anime girls

yeah, you are bragging right now faggot, would a white girl brag creepy messages she got from pajeets?
no, except if she's desperate enough for attention.

It's free
Update your tinder and go to settings my dude

wasted quads

You got matched with munters, well done lad.

this must be very depressing for the Indonesian man

also I'm unloved so I would really like Indonesian girls PMs

10000% this thot is desperately ugl irl, imagine being muslim AND a weeb.
its like you're eligible for arranged marriage and somehow still ends up being loser.

Nigga I got like 50+ a load of likes and I'm ugly af
What you doing son?

Lmao, are you so salty my orangutan friend? Don't you like the idea of whitey with your women? Well, maybe if you fuckers could actually grow jaws, and non-flat noses, your own women might find you more attractive.

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Get a mail-order bride

why do asian girls always have shit low quality pics and memes on their profile?

Yea I set mine to Philipines and didn't swipe, got 6-8 of those likes after 3 hours as well or so. It was pretty nuts. I barely average 1 match/day at home

>small dick SEA fags mad that their women crave BWC
cope lol

>those profile pics

Sea girls and Latin American girls have really destroyed the whole changing your location thing. Everytime I put it to Europe it's filled with them

attractive thots use tantan or wechat, you only get muslims and chinks on tinder.

As a black guy in the USA, this is what tinder is like every day

if happens when she's ugly

jap autism spreads

I know niggers irl that say, and I quote, 'tinder only works if you're white'

Loads of them are in Los Angeles or Jew york city

go ahead, breed our uggos and provide us with fuckable broods.
we don't lose anything, its an investment.

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Yeah I'm getting 60-70 matches a day in la but almost all of them are foreign girls who set their location there

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>3 hours
Dude, I get 50+ likes in 30-45 minutes in Seul

That's an incredibly cucked mindset, literally:
>I want to shag a Euro mixed race, because Javanese is too uggo for me.
Dude, c'mon.

i got a lot of matches in South Africa. how can you change your location again, btw?

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Check your settings my dude

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wrong faggot, you got to fuck those "exotic" garbage we dont want, and we got to fuck the improved products from those recycling process.
we still got to fuck our attractive stocks of course, since beta /brit/ wont bother to compete.

dont do It canadanon. she deserves niggers and only niggers