Has anyone ever visited Wuhan?

Has anyone ever visited Wuhan?
I watched a video on SCMP and it looked neat and first-worldish.
How does it compare to Shenzhen?

Attached: 228567849.jpg (1024x618, 86.15K)

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I don't think it compares to Shenzen at all. It's supposedly some generic production city which is just very big even by Chinese standards

>How does it compare to Shenzhen?
I'm pretty sure you can count on one hand how many Chinese cities can compare to Shenzhen

The city centres are all well maintained by the party because they need to give the image all the country is like that

The suburbs are shit even in Europe, that's normal.

Not really, but even then it cant compare to china, outside of the cities its like a different world comparable to nigeria

can your country even maintain a city center like that just for "give the image"?

I hope mine could.

that monument or whatever it is looks like a big cum shot tho.

I mean its not hard to do when if you did not maintain it you would probably become a scapegoat for uncle Xi to put on pedestal and give a glorious speech about how uncorrupted the party is

"Outside the cities" and "outside the centre" are two very different things. And even then, the only Africa-tier regions are in Western China.

Wuhan? You mean the lake?

Attached: Wuhan Lake.png (1469x785, 417.64K)

Mate, you have even in the cities areas complete shitholes but they are never shown and are hidden, not hard to do when the party decides what is shown and what not

I lived in Hangzhou and Shenzhen and I've been to Beijing, Nanjing, Wuzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau

What are younger Chinese people like? Are they different from Shanghai compared with the more 2nd and 3rd tier cities? I assume Shanghaiese are more cosmopolitan and liberal minded

Have you ever been to China? You literally talk out of your ass, there is no movement limitation as long as you don't visit Tibet and Xinjiang, even in Shenzhen it was easy to find the less developed neighbourhoods.
In Shenzhen most of them were demolished, and if anything now there is an open debate on whether they should keep going with the demolitions or implement a softer approach. No one is hiding the fact that there are still some informal settlements.
Only a brainlet can think that a city with such a developed mass transit can be "Africa tier".

Attached: 726px-Wuhan_Metro_bilingual_map.png (726x600, 346.74K)

The US air force killed 40,000 Chinese civilians in Wuhan during WW2

Bombing of Wuhan

>One week before Christmas in 1944, nearly 200 American planes raided the Chinese city of Wuhan.
>According to casualty statistics compiled by Hankou city in 1946, more than 20,000 were killed or injured, 7,515 buildings were bombed. Chiang Kai-shek in his diary admitted to 40,000.
>LeMay was pleased, declaring this his first experience with firebombing as a tactical weapon to be a successful experiment.

>The firebombing of Wuhan drew little attention internationally and was censored in the Chinese press.
>Compared with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and Qingdao, the destruction in Wuhan was considerably worse.

Attached: B-29_targets_from_China.jpg (622x780, 88.63K)

If some no name city that no one cared about before the corona is a Potemkin village to you people then I’d say China is doing pretty good. If you add the coastal cities plus all the wuhan tier cities then a LOT off Chinese people are living in modern cities, but only because they care about manipulating their image in western countries though lol.

Are you afraid of Pakis?

didn't meet many young chinese people in shenzhen besides the people I worked with, and yeah it seemed that younger people were more liberal minded than the older people, but it could also be due to education
the mother and father of the family I was staying with were both university educated and were clearly liberal enough to welcome a foreigner in to their homes, feed them, and take them out for dim sum every sunday
not terribly so

>shenzhen besides the people I worked with, and yeah it seemed that younger people were more liberal minded than the older people, but it could also be due to education
People in Shenzhen obviously also get influenced by Hong Kong. I knew people that regularly crossed the border to watch movies that were banned in the Mainland.

They are FORCED to have a good mass ytabsit system, its literally not a auestion if they want or not, just what do you think would happen to the already massively fucking OVERCROWDED cities with cars, its already hell, it woild become purgatory
The slums are hidden, you have millions of workers coming into the city, they are dirt poot cheap labour that have no money to buy anything good so they live in slum like areas theoughout the cities but you never see them
Those cities what percentage of the whole population do they make? Even then their cities are not even remotely first world, but for a developing country they are decent
A lot are living in the city, just by chinas sheer size, but they make just a small part of it when taken as a whole

How's the peacekeeping mission in the Balkans, Cleetus?

I was in Wuhan 3 months before the outbreak. It is largely unremarkable and not comparable to Shenzhen. A typical 2nd their Chinese city based on manufacturing and serving as a transportation hub. A Chinese Cleveland.

T.lao zhanshu
Hows your "study" aka privileged trip to Italy going scumbag

Ah yes, the famous Zhang staying in Italy for the quarantine, lmao. You yankees really are desperate.
This thread isn't about politics and your stupid conspiracies, fuck off.

It seems like a nightmare

Attached: Wuhan_Cityscape.jpg (2048x1536, 747.31K)

Italy or ireland i dont give a fuck zhang, stop assuming everyone that doesnt fall on yoir feet is an american, most of your cointry is a massive shithole accept it and move on


What's life like in North Macedonia anyway? Do you have any Alexandrian artifacts?

Aren’t you literally the worst place in Europe except for Moldova? I’d rather be in SEA or Indonesia than some Slavic rape victims pretending to be Greeks?