My Latin brothers, it appears Spaniards and Romanians, due to their unsophisticated taste in alcohol, don't deserve to be part of our family.
My Latin brothers, it appears Spaniards and Romanians, due to their unsophisticated taste in alcohol...
can i join instead?
It's because of the balconing jumpers, I drink wine everyday I'm as fucking sophisticated alcoholic piece of shit like you ok?
Moldova and romania arent wine?
>by pure alcohol content
Spaniards still drink wine with meals like us. They are just hard beer drinkers
sorry, the only non-meds who are allowed are brits
Poland used to mostly drink spirits during communism but that's changed over the past 30 years in favor of beer
Beer just tastes better, whenever you talk to boomers or watch old TV shows/movies though, it's always vodka vodka vodka
but we have french king
The frenchie knows his stuff.
ah, alright!
Honestly how fucked up can you be to be drinking spirits as main type of alcohol
Beer tastes like shit
depends on the beer
Why? It's also the national drinks of Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Romania
It's not like american beer is good user.
beer is great.
And anyone who knowingly joins a group with france is willfully admitting they're a faggot.
they are based and yo mama
hard to belive that Spanish drink more beer than wine tho. I guess that's stereotypes for you
Wine snobs exist because American beer tastes like piss so fancy pancy faggots look down on people who drink real beer
Wheat beers are ok.
Wine is important, and at least someone in the family will drink it every meal. The difference is when going to bars or whatever then beer is king, at least among men.
Most of them either taste like shit or have no taste at all, they're useful just to get wasted.
>beer is king, at least among men.
It is the same here in Italy, but I guess this is counterbalanced by Spritz
I disagree.
American craft beers are the best in the world.
cheap and easy to get drunk from
I had blueberry wine for the first time this week and dont believe i will ever go back
shit, that's bit suprising
Don't shame your country even more with that statement, you're supossed to know your alcohol.
They deserve the rope.
If that's the only reason lidl vodka is better.
Imagine being this ignorant.
What most poles drink ain't beer but piss. How can they drink this cheap shit is beyond me.
But when it comes to any form of gathering outside of pubs it's vodka all the way.
I feel sorry for u Americans who never got to taste good beer lol
I mean there's nothing wrong with ordering a glass of wine at a bar, but beer is more readily available most of the time. Also we consume a shitton of spritz, so we somehow still consume a lot of wine.
wtf brits?
I mean here we are all a bunch of nerds here so take it with a grain of salt, but the grape season is serious fucking business, we love our wine it's just that I don't nor my close circle of friends.
Imagine importing shit from the other side of the pond and try so hard to convince yourself that it's good.