massive fucking tits edition
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crush him janny
you're stuck with two /brit/ namefags for the rest of quarantine. who are they
Off to bed lads but just wanted to quickly pop into the new to say good edition lad
How many (You)’s do you get on average per /brit/?
night mate x
just had a proper weird freak out lost control and chopped into my hair a bunch of times with the scissors i was using to open my parcel lol mad
mikey and fake mikey
in rome these thots would be rightfully mocked
has anyone seen monica lads? got a question for her
amer and mikey so me and mikey can kill amer.
not one interesting thought has ever passed through this vapid slag's noggin
Easter is a made up holiday created by chocolate companies to promote consumption of mass produced, non-fair trade chocolate eggs.
Wake up sheeple. Stop buying in to big egg.
women are actually vile
/brit/ more like /shit/
What happens when we finally make it to the end of /brit/? the last thread?
your flag is quite aesthetic
wish i had a watch that could pause time
big arse
tight anus
plush fanny
romans appreciated breasts as being complimentary to the whole female form. women with massive knockers were taken the piss out of
Swaggers in
*Alri virgins*
diego and mikey
turtle even though hes not a namefag
homealone and alan aka the two smartest lads in /brit/
*posts another article about how everything is racist*
arse wont stop sweating. need a fan underneath it
this is the second most common saying in the South USA, right behind “Hello”
depends. can bag 30+ if I really put some effort in but usually just get about 10 or so
thainonce and oxford
Mad how this whole coronavirus thing is purely just to shift attention from Epstein
oh shit yeah forgot about homealone
gotta have him
Rorke and Rasheed
state of her belly button
where does howdy y'all rank
Are you happy?
why is it always half-castes that are the most butthurt about whites?
why are these gimps always half white
i'm a huge fan
that lad with the massive bollock and mikey so i can watch them bum each other
emmet as sktz and mikey
The true victims of coronavirus
HER name is MONICA
Hirsch is a jewish name lad
Mark had a proper heartfelt speech in his recent livestream
Still a smelly alchie though
bit sexist like
the good yank
emma yank
Been all over the world but never been to London
I’m the good yank
i've been southampton but i've never been to scunthorpe
>oxford educated former barrista
troubled life she had yeah
Been all over the world? You've been to London.
actually cried a bit today haha
Can't be that bad is she used to work for the courts
I've been to Southampton but I've never been to Scunthorpe
been all over the world but never been to cheadle
What over?
one-take wonder
wonder if shes ever had an original thought in her life
How has quarantine changed daily life for you lads?
>Eating a lot worse because I'm bored, but weirdly also eating a lot less, saving lots of money in the process
>Constant background headache because of dramatically increased screentime
>Very bored
>Kind of craving just going to the pub with mates and having a burger and a pint
>Not as wholesome as I thought, don't really meditate or read more, just stare at my laptop.
Do English people really build Alpine houses (right side)?
coronavirus 1st wave over by end of may. 2nd wave by end of june. confirmed nothingburger in july
you genuinely deserve the rope
fucking bender pull yourself together
probably be rolling in his grave if he saw londonistan now
been all over the world but i've never been to wales apart from one time driving to bristol and i accidentally ended up going over the bridge lmao
thats a driveway
is the london school of economics a good school?
Have sex lad, I swear you'll feel better.
no he wouldn't
be quiet
I hope you're right. Would be elated if things returned to normal about July time.
is that piss bag. is she sick :'(
Wish diego posted his witty and observant commentaries of life every day of the week and not just fridays
no may as well enrol in clown college
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all Dutch people should be killed
on the left
biggest tune to come of merseyside? i think so
yes, yes they do
London is a terrible place to live
I've been to Spain, Scotland, Ireland and France
All shit
im talking about for MBA u big dummy
quit serving coffee to focus on her blog
Anglos are literally the most tolerant people on Earth. Whatever shit country her ancestors came from will be vastly more racist, misogynist and homophobic than any western country. We are uniquely tolerant.
Calling out to my Sneeders and Feeders !!!!!!!!!
nothing in particular
Homer/Barney A plot
Bart/Thrillho B plot
Sucking a ________
bad boy
best in the country for econ
what about the weaponised 5G millimetre waves
too hot
It’ll probably start to get back to normal before then. As in schools will likely open again alongside non-essential shops.
Canadians are the most nationalistic people on earth.
bans on Yas Forums are largely symbolic. circumventing them is part of the experience.
fuckall really
live alone and don't have a remotely exciting life as it is and I work for a yank company that just paid our govt to look the other way so still toiling
worried for my more outgoing family members who I know are feeling it more though
What did he mean by these?
English people paint red brick in white
unironically a fucking choon
Said this morning id never touch the drink again yet now i could do with a can or 2. Why does this happen every day
You're not gonna give in are you lad.
us in the east have something to be proud of, unlike the cosmopolitan robots of the mainland.
Off my fucking barnet
got a headache
having a coom
For me it's the cinema of the early 2000s. A lawless time in creativity.
What does BBC stand for?
>anxiety attack
is this a real thing
thats on the left
i c, i c
Imagine the smell
>3DPD tits
All Lebanese should be killed
should be in the corner in this webm
Big British Cock
the state of fat yanks cunts
women are vile
fate people are vile
yanks are vile
darkies are vile
watching The New World and realising Q'orianka Kilcher who plays Pocahontas and has romantic kissing scenes with Colin Farrell and Christian Bale was only 14 years old at the time
British broadcasting corporation
how come /brit/ respects oxbridge but not lse
hasn't really changed anything materially but made my job easier even though I still have to travel for it
still spend all my time online and wallowing in self loathing
this kind of lawless creativity too
all Hong Kongers should be killed
Great film but ye found that wierd when I read that too, was normal at the time I guess but still
NEED Chris Cunningham to come back and start making batshit kino music videos again 2bh
based brandon hoping for a caramel Ireland by 2030
benzos are satan's work.
>hahah the wealthiest people in uk live better than poor people in the north hahaha
mad how they changed the fat controllers name to sir topham hat
Have you seen Spirited Away (2001) and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
those in charge must be overjoyed at how easily people have accepted draconian lock downs over something that amounts to nothing more than a few days of feeling sick for the vast, vast majority of people
i asked my little sister and she said Big Brothers Cockatoo
Yes and Yes.
Early to mid 2000s is the golden age of cinema
Mid to late 2000s is the golden age of television
Bullshiting bastards corporation
What did you think?
doug and dave, do rounds of bible study together
English? British? I'm a United Subject.
I agree
Jail bait?
Because oxbridge are better than lse
left: sonless
right: SOUL
her bf is like a literal 3/10
>lost most of my work so I've fuck all to do 6 days a week
>Don't really get to sleep until 4am or later
>wake up about 10
>can't get out of bed
>fall asleep and get up mid afternoon
>spending rest of the day in the garden until sunset
>lie on the sofa and shitpost until bed
dad just sent me this
First statement is painfully false, second statement is true
you got a loicence for that m8
Spirited Away is one of the better post bubble era japanese animated films. Very wholesome story and impressive technical animation.
The first Pirates was an extremely fun film and it's no wonder why disney tried to milk it as much as possible.
switch dave with homolone if dave's a muslim