The other side to mutts law

The other side to mutts law

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why are all americans so mentally ill ?

I don’t get the first sentence, words are too complicated

wtf ameicans

The absolute state of amerisoys.

why is she so angerised?

pls explain
why are they mad?

i dont get it

JellyGurl gets internet famous for 45 minutes.

This is not mental illness, white genes have shown that they're more evil than POC genes. Read up on racial theory of the 21st century please

They are upset there is a white family with multiple white childern

It can't be explained, but there's something insidious and unwholesome about this.

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>it doesn't take more than an white family to trigger people these days

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>yes of course i am a crazy cat lady that lives in a trailer in the middle of nowhere, how did you know?

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I would unironically PM those people telling to get a life or kill themselves and then block them

>implying it's white supremacy and she didn't marry a rich Jewish BVLL


Me too. What did she mean? Sarcarm? Last word mean "realize", but what about first words?

white mans empathy is literally his downfall


pretty sure hitler was strobgly opposed to whores in leggings fishing for attention on twitter, he was above such degeneracy

>Be bottom of the trash pile tier kind of ugly
>No chance of ever having a family
>Bitch on twitter about other people having a family

like clockwork

wait a second do irl americans really lose their shit over race all of the time?
I though it was just an Yas Forums meme lmao

What the fuck is wrong with americans?

>racial theory
I thought that shit was banned?

Nuke us please

Eva Braun strikes me as a thot

Hitler was a literal virgin loser

No it's very real. It's not like European countries who complain about a few small groups of foreigners, america really is a melting pot nation and race is at the front of a lot of issues

Vad vill du din groda

are you mentally stunted?

I understood. Dark means bad. It's not about skin colout it's about white future that is dark, bad, disgusting for her.