this is australia, the flattest and most boring continent
This is australia, the flattest and most boring continent
>No earthquake
>No volcanic eruptio
Hmm looks like really boring continent
very based but needs more mosques, i reckon.
Imagine some other country coming in and using yours as a Nuclear test site
I want to go live there so badly.
they compensate by having fire tornados and 99% of the wildlife that wants to kill you
>emu field
was it for revenge?
They could probably do that without telling anyone and nobody would notice.
looks cool actually
You have Dr. Seuss Truffula trees!
How cool is that?
we are still loyal to the British so it's fine.
The front fell off.
Yeah, we have heaps in tassie
pretty heckin' nice
Thank god tourists don't know about tassie, it's untouched jewel.
frailejones :O
Antarctica is the most boring continent.
Tasmania is peak Aus....
we are the same people you dirty amerimutt
Straya and South America connected via Antarctica, we have pretty similar plants.
Been up there, absolutely mindblowing.
You fucked them all up though
>were connected
Wish Tasmania was still ours desu
literally not even humans
I feel like Tasmania should be the crown jewel of Oceania, I wonder why it didn't turn out that way
>regarded as "depressingly inhospitable to Europeans"
The first colonizers opinion after checking the place out
Because people don't even know about it, I hope it stays that way.
Yeah, like your version of coastal Cali
no. they were aboriginals not English.
too many people
fuck off paki
Far North Queensland is cute and adorable