This is australia, the flattest and most boring continent

this is australia, the flattest and most boring continent

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>No earthquake
>No volcanic eruptio

Hmm looks like really boring continent

very based but needs more mosques, i reckon.

Imagine some other country coming in and using yours as a Nuclear test site

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I want to go live there so badly.

they compensate by having fire tornados and 99% of the wildlife that wants to kill you

>emu field
was it for revenge?

They could probably do that without telling anyone and nobody would notice.

looks cool actually

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You have Dr. Seuss Truffula trees!
How cool is that?

we are still loyal to the British so it's fine.

The front fell off.

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Yeah, we have heaps in tassie

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pretty heckin' nice

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Thank god tourists don't know about tassie, it's untouched jewel.

frailejones :O

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Antarctica is the most boring continent.

Tasmania is peak Aus....

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we are the same people you dirty amerimutt

Straya and South America connected via Antarctica, we have pretty similar plants.

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Been up there, absolutely mindblowing.

You fucked them all up though

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>were connected

Wish Tasmania was still ours desu

literally not even humans

I feel like Tasmania should be the crown jewel of Oceania, I wonder why it didn't turn out that way

>regarded as "depressingly inhospitable to Europeans"
The first colonizers opinion after checking the place out

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Because people don't even know about it, I hope it stays that way.

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Yeah, like your version of coastal Cali

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no. they were aboriginals not English.

too many people

fuck off paki

Far North Queensland is cute and adorable