Coffee or Tea culture?
Coffee or Tea culture?
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coffee-drinkers are uncultured
>Soy milk.
tea is superior in every way
not really either but both
The only reason any of these so-called cultures exist is due to the addictive properties of the medicine.
milk culture
With pounds they mean the weight of the tea-leaves right?
tea, having a cup of rooibos this very moment
tea is drinkable piss
coffee is disgusting and a nigger pleb tier drink
Wtf. I imagine Turks drinking coffee and playing chess all day
This desu, I like my morning coffees because the bitter taste wakes me up faster but I like my night teas because they are comfy and help me fall asleep, not everything is a competition anons, sometimes its ok to admit the other is also good and has its place in our society
Have you had strong tea like matcha
mate is hands down the coolest habit aesthetically - out of pipes, coffee, and tea combined. there is nothing you can habitually put into your body as cool as tea in a little hollowed out gourd with a metal straw. it's peak human. literally the mark of man.
Does any country have an actual coffee culture apart from Ethiopia and maybe Italy?
actually its drinkable earth. you're just overstimulated.
Japan is known for its high quality coffee houses
You plebs.
For me, it's Yaupon:
>The plant was traditionally used by Native Americans to make an infusion containing caffeine. The plant is the only known indigenous plant to North America that produces caffeine.
Truly the heir of the Byzantine empire
I know they really like it but it's not like they do anything differently to any other coffee drinkers around the world. I meant more special culture around drinking it, like UK high tea, Japanese tea ceremonies, southern cone mate, that kind of stuff
based paraguayo mate culture its the patrician choice
coffee and cigarettes are the most quintessentially american thing i can think of if its 1965 or prior.
Coffee is strong and masculine
Tea is weak and homosexual, full of fitoestrogen
Are you kidding? The essence of modern coffee preperation comes from Italy
Yes, you uncultured pork
i can see brazil being a coffee state
top tea countries >conquerors
>warrior culture
>sexy, masculine men
top coffee drinkers
>pic related
Coffee has no culture
come here when the cafees open again and you will see people just chilling for up to 10 hours just sipping on coffee and talking