If you don't have a Netflix subscription you're poor edition
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terrible edition
*tasteless normie faggot
Anyone know what I love about British culture?
>rorke tek ur medzzzz
>Mental how comfy this lockdown is
>>Still got job
>>Moving abroad for my new job after it ends
>>Temporarily moved home to be with parents and mum so happy to have me she insists on doing litreally everything
>>Played badminton in the garden just to chill
>>doing my full skin routine everyday after >>waking up early and doing a run
>>Napping into the afternoon
>>Some reading and COD at night to relax
>>Barely spending anything.
>Very cosy lads can't le.
no but please do tell me?
running out of coke lads
For me?
Movies & TV - Fmovies
Anime - Twist moe
the true patrician taste.
Drugs are British culture
And you know what I fucking love about Britain compared to Europe and the world?
We fucking love a sesh and fucking drugs.
Name a country that has created people like Paul Gasgoine or Ozzy Osbourne?
No country comes close to us in the sesh.
A quiet night for us is a mental night to them
I fucking love Britain and it’s sesh ways
We are the home of DnB, Bassline, Dubstep, Trance and Garage.
Fucking hell lad
We are the sesh capital of the world
It’s in our veins, blood and dna.
You think of a brit you think of a 5am rave in a warehouse off his fucking cunt on drugs only to go work at 11am.
We fucking love drugs and a cheeky scrap, look at our world class firms back in the day.
The dream Saturday is literally going out to football having a scrap with the lads, showing off your battle scars to the lads, laughing about the fight, smashing some lines and pills then going to a rave with the lads and pulling a slag who’s interested by the masculinity of your black eye and grazed knuckles
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with football hooliganism
i pay for the most expensive subscription but am still poor
what now
Based mobile-only subscription for ₹200
The long weekend is trying my patience.
I work from home but have Monday and Tuesday off.
Sorely tempted to get drunk again but 3 days in a row of 10 cans each day might be a bit too much
We sesh harder than brits
Get a grip
mum wtf! delete this!!!
Why is my post Deano?
I was about to change companies before all this shite happened because I hate my job, but now I'm stuck here..
In the same boat la
>cashed out crypto prematurely and could've made another 50%
I made a neat profit and I'm STILL mad.
There is nothing more depressing
I think anyone that finds COD comfy is a Deano, don't you?
no you don’t
Would argue Brits sesh harder in fairness, Irish sesh smarter and longer
reckon the science nerds need to come up with a steadfast hangover cure after this 'rona business is over
>3 days in a row of 10 cans
say goodbye to your liver
reminder that the NHS says NO MORE THAN TWO IN A DAY otherwise you will have long-term health problems
been browsing Yas Forums for an hour after a good movie recommendation
Would argue people who "sesh" are white niggers just for using the word
ah yes the sunday cringe post.
Fucked my life up
Me and my roommate drank a crate of budweiser and a slab of guinness on friday and saturday
Fucking pointless waste of money when you think about it
Or, I just don't wanna support some leftist shit
Brits just can't handle their drink
best vpns for torrenting lads?
i have hulu, netflix, and amazon prime
i want to kiss andy samberg so much
hes so fucking hot
why does 70s-80s yugoslavia seem so comfy
underwater is worth a watch
Quit alcohol today
Are firsties really this brainwashed? I torrent all shit and proud.
and hulu for proof
i dont think there are a lot of studies on the potency on lsd marinating inside denim jackets for two decades!
man i wanna kiss him
Started alcohol today