Your country
How would be your life if Hitler won?
Your country
I wouldn't be born because my grandparents wouldn't be poor and have many kids
we'd probably be colonizing andromeda righht now
I would drink bavarian beer and drive a Mercedes
Would have been dead
Infinitely worse
We wuz allies
I would not have existed if Hitler had won the war.
Hitler had a lot more respect for us anglos than the current German leaders. We would be leading you right now if he won
Japan would have given me a mandatory Japanese wife with good genetics to breed my genetics out
Probably much better. Imagine a world without American pop culture.
Hitler wouldn´t have stopped till He had the entirety of Europe under his personal control. It is foolish to think that he wouldn´t have invaded Iberia and Italy once He was done with the big boys ( USA, Soviet union and the UK)
I am from southern Spain, and we are not very aryan looking so they would have probably killed my grand-parents.
Hitler didn't kill people based on their looks.
>I am from southern Spain, and we are not very aryan looking so they would have probably killed my grand-parents.
holy shit stop learning history from Hollywood retard, Hitler didn't wanna kill anybody who wasn't blond and blue eyed
his racial ideas were completely vague and he considered non white who allied with him honorary Aryan when it suited him
Most likely we'd have the entire island back
I have never heard of any nazi plans to invade Spain, yet alone us it for colonisation
who knows
probably dead or a refugee in Russia
yeah, you were in big ass war to worry about that, but I am 100% You would have done it if You have had won and had the time to think about it.
>Let´s going to every single slav and repopulate eastern Europe with germans
>No but we are not going to do that in southern Europe
c´mon mate.
>let´s going to kill
well I wouldn't be a virgim
or worker in german factory or farm
it's hard to say what they would have done
hitler was like WE WUZ ROMANS and WE WUZ VIKINGS AND SHIETTT at the same time, plus he had respect for the achievements of asian cultures like japan and china, but at the same time was genociding slavs who were much more "aryan" than them
it's a clusterfuck of bullshit
German expansion into Eastern Europe was a century old phenomenon, under National Socialism it just reached its extremist culmination
there were never plans for German expansion into Southern Europe, in fact Nazi Germany actively allied with Fascist Italy and Spain
and when they were willing to work for Germany's interest, Hitler had no problem with Slavs, read about the Slovak State, the Independent State of Croatia or the Russian Liberation Army
Hitler himself was brown haired and Goebbels was a swarthy manlet ffs
Depends a lot of how retarded would have been the leader. Hitler-tier would have been hell.
Life would be much better if Germanoids were hanged after WW1.
I would be chilling on my government granted farm in East-Karelia with my swedish slave bride and 5 finnic-aryan children.
Very much shit
holy cope. Your country still would've been irrelevant
Hitler's main goal for WW2 was to end bolshevism in USSR and gain access to valuable resources in eastern europe and caucasus.
When german soldiers were defeated in military combat they would kill civilians as revenge, 14 year old children and women. Now americans do that YEAH KILLEM
>looks like arabs
>smells like arabs
>as easily brainwashed as arabs
is there anyway you are european?
>there were never plans for German expansion into Southern Europe, in fact Nazi Germany actively allied with Fascist Italy and Spain
conveniant alliances since He was in a pretty big mess of a war. He did not do it out of his love and respect for the average Pablo or giovanni.
>Hitler had no problem with Slavs, read about the Slovak State, the Independent State of Croatia or the Russian Liberation Army
It is well known that you had a plan to expand to eastern Europe, kick out the local population or assimilate them if they were "aryan" enough and colonize the land. It is a well known fact, the damn lebensraum. That some slavic fascist movements supported and fought in Hitler´s side was meaningless, It was always about getting support even from the subhumans if necessary.
>Hitler himself was brown haired and Goebbels was a swarthy manlet ffs
cognitive dissonance
Not much different from the shit we've got today
more like generalplan
haha amirite xD?
Germany wasn't at war in 1936 and still supported the Spanish Fascists.
>in the balkans there was a policy execute 100 civilians for a killed german soldiers and 50 for wounded
>they kill hundreds of thousands of civilians to supress guerillas
>the relatives and more others just join guerillas en masse because of that
>the guerillas fuck you in the ass in the end
On no no no how were they so retarded
We would be the same but with more german tourists and I guess less refugees.
>Hitler's main goal for WW2 was to end bolshevism in USSR and gain access to valuable resources in eastern europe and caucasus.
Good. We would've been japanese
Shitler's main goal was revenge for defeat in WW1
I would not have to worry about living my life in a nation halfway settled with negroes and muslims.
yeah, Wars are planned in the long run. He knew where He was getting into, He knew that the brits were gonna brit as usual and the french would do the same at some point, and He obviously wanted as much support as He could, and you did not do it for free, that is for sure.
Well, we'd be at least be better off economically after the imminent collapse of Nazism.
Admit it, you would like it more if they were jews
true. Tho I still doubt he planned to conquer Spain and kill everyone who's looks he didn't like, there's no historical evidence for it and the fact that many Germans and many Nazi leaders even didn't fit the racial ideal is a massive counter argument here.