I have a complaint against every single meanie gaijins

I have a complaint against every single meanie gaijins

Attention please

Listen up please

Ahem !
uh...You gaijin say something to me like ...hm ...like
"learn English yellow monkey ...
Why are nips so bad at English ?..
Start from the abc...kindergarten "

And um something like "Proper English please retar..."


So can you express what you think now of me in Japanese without any translator? :(((
because you are BAKA
If you admitted its arrogance for me
Then please show me your gentleness against my bad command of it from now on
If not
I couldn't know you deeply
I wanna know you more than ever

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Shut the fuck up oh shut up shut up fucking shut up for fuck's sake

>So can you express what you think now of me in Japanese without any translator? :(((

I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me...

>So can you express what you think now of me in Japanese without any translator? :(((
にっぽん だいすき!!

What the Japanese should do, is kill, mutilate or sexually assault any foreigner they can catch in their country

Go easy on me

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I love you


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this is you destiny, gaijin-san poster

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Step on them with your bare, unwashed feet. That will show them not to complain about your bad English.


Today's gaijinsan is gentle
In most cases
I was said cruel thing

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Go outside the boy room and reproduce, Takeshi.

Does Japan-Chan like Suomi? Also rudeposting and bully is not allowed.

I like being criticized by gaijins
So I've been making this thread

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Suki needless to say desu

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:3 Don't feel bad, just because some people rudepost, doesn't mean we all Yas Forums anons do.

Zitto animale


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Ive known all most all of gaijinsans made a fun of me but they have a conscience I believe it

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First good Japanese OP post I've seen in a long long time.


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People tend to rudepost for no reason, I think it's stupid.



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I want to fucking strangle you while I fill you with my cum and make you leak all over yourself

See, we nuked your ass in World War 2 and ended it. Since then you Nips owe us for 1) Helping you rebuild your country and 2) Saving your ass from North Korea and China, the two countries that despise you. So, the least we expect from you is to learn English well, you yellow monkey! We own you and you are in our debt.



Don't get out of me but Don't come up to me

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>American poster

You are strong enough to survive with ONE language
So me too
Go easy on me

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What's the name of that anime?


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But at least if they have conscience
I'll forgive them all
Because they may be just tundere

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Ueno san wa bukiyou "上野さんは不器用"

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Oh, I see. It's good that you are not bitter to them, Japan-Chan, but I still think rudeposting is stupid. Same bullying :/

I have no respect for Japanese. Idiotic honor system, two faced liars, rude and disrespectful, hiding behind their masks of civility.

You are not cute.

I love the japanese. Cute, respectful, intelligent, hardworkers and cute, cute!

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he is cute, shut the fuck up

Fin chan is so decent dude
Let me respect you please

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I'm coming for your throat next you nip slut. I bet you can't wait to feel my balls pressed against your chin as you gag and spit all over my giant cock

They are a lot better than low breed Slavic Russians.

You can say whatever you want, weeblet, won’t change the truth though.


I don't have access to Japanese language courses starting in elementary school. You have access to English classes. Simple as.

It's ok, don't worry. I respect Japan-Chan too. :)
We are frens and allies.

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Who even likes Russians? Outside St. Petersburg and Moscow your country is a frozen shithole?


>executes an excellent passive construction not many english natives could do

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please kick my balls until they explode

But at least I have a self-awareness against our vice
Because because Im under influence of your literature

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Go to russian thread and ask there, I don’t feel the need to give you any answers.

userさんは本当にかわいいわね(ノ≧▽≦)ノ? 大丈夫です私はあなたに構ってあげますよ (クソCaptchaは大嫌い。迷惑!)

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