easter sunday
Other urls found in this thread:
I celebrate Easter, unlike Euros
the chink defending brit is in
didn't ask
single line posting rando bruceycunt? ya, like triggering that cunt me
Taking a big risk posting this here given janitors habits for deleting
Said didn't you just take that from pulp fiction and she laughed it off and asked me what I thought of the film
She was actually quite nice but that made me cringe so badly
Lel should have
It's along the same vein as ramona flowers wannabes
tights desu
sorry OP i'm not finished with the last thread, so...
if you would be so kind...
mmm ella hollywood
Get out underaged snail
imagine if you will:
chebs in tights
What's your favourite insect?
The forehead-to-eye ratio is just completely wrong on this bint. 4/10, would not bang
Would it be worth spending $15 on a medium sized box of cinnamon toast crunch? Been wanting to try it.
Why google not put bunny on frontpage
the chinese
Think ill just stop eating and wait for the end
ella so hollywood these days since she chopped her dick off and started dressing like a man in drag
Can't help but like white people. I see them as the noble savage. I'd love to lift up the white race and bring them civilisation. Consider it The Jewish Man's Burden
got a massive hard on now
is tiktok better or worse with sound? I only watch the webms here
Used to be the chinese, but I think it's praying mantis these days
you can get two full meals here for that price
plus, it's shit
The chinese. Oh wait, I thought you said LEAST favourite!
Reminder: if you can't smell roasting lamb right now you are a heretic JF rasheed numale
why do americans class mexicans as white?
woman said to me I was the sort of guy she wouldn't have been into when she was younger
google never ever ever acknowledges easter.
What about Cap'n Crunch or Lucky Charms?
>chopped her dick off
please dont tell me this is true
what a waste of so
having a lamb curry because my mum is indian and my dad is white and we couldn't get a joint of lamb in time ahah
praying mantis or camel spider, hard choice desu
Why lamb?
I've got turkey covered in bacon cooking.
Fairly certain >she still has a willer (as it should be)
dads bombarding me with texts and whatsapp msgs telling me how much he hates me and hope I die of chinavirus along with images of my head poorly superimposed on spikes and other such unfortunate scenarios
Corrr... Phwoarrrr
mummy's boy
In America there are four races
Pacific Islander / Native American
Whichever is your majority of your ancestry is your race
Since most Hispanics have more white blood than Native American, they are white
Charles Maller-Pont
hope your mum honour kills you x
Wanted to do a roast but Easter is a much bigger deal in my gf’s country so have to have a foreign meal. Could be worse tho
that's a lot of effort
you should be flattered
more importantly why do they think spaniards are hispanic
lmao post pics (censor your face if you want)
what sort of guy are you?
lets have a gander then
Oh dear, gonna have a little cry are we?
sounds like a threat
contact the garda
Pic is your Dad
more of an arse in tights man myself
only the FBI does that for crime statistics, i have no clue why
population census has options
i like french girls
>Since most Hispanics have more white blood than Native American, they are white
This is what Britain is all about.
you clever girl
we don't
no one control it during the census
just have a bowl of oatmeal you cunt
turkey is literally one of the most boring meats, i hope youre gonna be drowning it in sauce
Boiling some coffee beans on my stove to make my house smell like coffee. Working surprisingly well.
just think it's odd they don't is all considering some of the other daft shit they do
I'm looking for breakfast atm
Few months too late mate xx
Becoming a miserable misanthropic moralist in the mould of Peter Hitchens
No way that's a girl m8
had a wank to her measuring video once
how do you say "white power" in german
how come the iron in your blood doesn't rust?
want to squeeze and sniff this tights-covered bum
Mental how yanks consider someone that's 1% black as non-white while another person could be 10% native and would still be considered white
reckon we'll be allowed into pubs by the summer?
you do know even black people in america are like 40-50% white?
a /brit/ poster
Thoughts on the phrase "It's all a cope except the rope" ?
Decided I'm gonna have to unfollow some of you lot on here
give him the robbie lawler treatment
If I think Ella Hollywood is quite fit but I wouldn't shag her, does that make me gay or not?
Just learned that spoiders are arachnids and not insects
Can see why her vids are always shot at a slight angle, grug tier head shape
white power? I've never even met her!
got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus
thats a nice chebs gf
>Since most Hispanics have more white blood than Native American, they are white
Rust is formed when ferric oxide -Fe2 O3 attaches to water molecules to form Fe(III)O plus a varying number of H2O molecules. All the iron in the human body is the Ferrous form and Fe(II)O is a black powder that does not attach to water molecules to form the orangish red flaky stuff we call rust. The iron in your blood does not rust because the human body cannot absorb ferric iron, only ferrous iron.
fuck you and your semantics, are vicky did nothing wrong
For me its this art ho: youtube.com
Still awaiting proof.
ye they will just start ignoring gov advice after a while
Literal translation is weißes Puder but if you want slang for coke, koks or tasch
Been reading about ancient britain, and am now led to believe that the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Britain were most likely brownish.
It does rust though, that's how it carries oxygen.
Then your cells take the oxygen out so it unrusts.
hard to tell at this point, but the country will be in a massive depression anyway, if this resurges and affects christmas period then it will be even worse
Christ lads
I nearly just died
Dad dropped something that would've been probably fatal had it landed on my head, missed by a few feet
Adrenaline is pumping
Haven't had a cup of coffee in almost 8 hours lads. Literally dying here.
do you typically book a day off work for your birthday?
There's no easy way to say this.
At this rate, #COVID19 is going to devastate Black America. Pre-existing conditions, living environments, jobs, and limited health care all but guarantee it.
when I warned my family of the coming pandemic, my highly educated cousin told me, with great confidence: "No, we got the antibodies for that!""
got marked wrong on a nature exam in 3rd class primary for rightly pointing out that spiders are not insects despite what the stupid textbook thought us
seething about it to this day
what's on the menu then?
I'm glad you're still with us and we'll have many more good times together to come.
Stay safe my friend x :)
that's no reason to take the lord's name in vain on easter sunday
a few feet is not nearly
may as well say that you nearly died when a bus passed you on the street
ella pengywood
Stop /brit/posting under the stairs.
>posts a blue eyed mutt
would sling one up her arsehole
jesus in heavens what is that?!
No. Go to work, don't tell anyone it's my birthday unless they really dig into my plans for the day and then they'll tell a few people haha
haha you're such a party pooper bruce. it's almost endearing sometimes
Read the question as white powder... Weiße Macht
i can think of an easy way to say that
No? Very cringe behaviour. Almost as bad as the w*men who get given a bunch of flowers and balloons and shit and carry them around the office all day laughing.
Shame he missed.
might give the ten commandments with charlton heston a watch on channel 5. shame its one of those 5 hour long epics
Why not?
How is your first Easter after independence treating you?
slowly starting to become an alky again
It's times like this where I feel smug for being a hygenine freak all my life. The unhygienic people are paying the toll.
once won a sports day race but it was counted as a loss because i did a small jump to avoid a bit of uneven ground that would have turned my ankle if i ran over it.
I still seethe too
No, no one knows when my birthday is so I avoid any nonsense.
bedford is posh
Some fried fish, fried garlic rye bread, multiple different home made coleslaws and salads
Going to roast a cheeky chicken in the evening tho
Nearly died when a bus passed me on the street
When is Brexit done lads?
just been flung about sainsburys local in wigan
i don't know it just never occured to me.
questioning my reasons for being on brit
ella hollywood
done 109 consecutive days on the booze
i need to stop drinking
i look like death
imagine having a smack addiction in the middle of all this
By the end of the year.
what for?
Can’t believe this scots thing was “cool” for a brief window, cringe t b h
what happened lad?
Listening to the rolling stones lads
woah the memes are real
when europe is free from the yoke of the evil european unionists again
spice has vanished from the streets. it all comes from china.
It was never cool for a second, Angus
A 2-3 month dry spell isn't going to kill them, especially if they stocked up beforehand.
just stop drinking lads
also may i add that you're supposed to bring breakfast at toil when it's your birthday or your last day before vacation. people usually bring in croissant and pains au chocolat for his office coworkers. i do that too
might clap
would rather not say
why are British black girls like this?
desperately want to escape my small minded provincial rural surroundings for the equally small minded but pretentious art ho scene of a major urban centre. I'm growing old and rotting away here.
It's because they're americans
Is this sad fate awaiting all tranners or will several decades of estrogen suplimentation be enough to counteract it?
Not good is it de lids
I would like a scan of my insides. Somethings in bad nick
junkies really do live on the edge don't they
how did Dirty Dancing become such a bit hit and 'girls night in' staple? isn't the bird meant to be only 14 or something? literal nonce material
>addicts stocking up
somehow I don't think smack addicts and their dealers are obeying strict social distancing laws
90% sure my neighbour is a drug dealer / mule and she still goes out in her car 12 times a day at random times (presumably for drop-offs)
Currently working on the hypothesis that women are somewhere between animals and man, in that they're capable of many of the uniquely human cognitive skills, and yet cannot be said to have souls like men do
Manchester welcomes you
I’m from Ireland and there was a few month period a couple years ago or so where “Scottish patter” was all over social media, died out quick tho