/dixie/ ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª

Attached: 1556729449042.jpg (1024x588, 27.85K)

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yep can relate

>an Urugayan alcoholic ex-furry with a collection of CDs containing rare 9/11 footage
I like it, very lynchian


shut the fuck up

>suddenly fall asleep between 8 to 12
epic now its all fucked up


dont like it so its shit

post something you like


Attached: 1586595000112.jpg (1080x1272, 177.79K)

sounds like nigger music to me


spot on

Attached: 20200412_094335.jpg (4096x1326, 3.27M)

reduce your megapixel count

or set the iso manually, the noise reduction is killing the quality

Goeie more


I was walking on the water
When I saw a crocodile
He had flowers on his head
So I stopped him for a while

did you want to fuck it?

Why would I

i would

He would

this is a photo taken from a rest stop in Soviet Czechoslovakia

I peed here and then had McDonalds

Attached: 20161228_141039.jpg (2000x1125, 1.46M)

didn't ask

Attached: 1568932118992.jpg (2322x3294, 1.87M)

5/10, looks like iowa.

you look like Iowa

not a scalie?

I'm not a furry anymore goddamnit
It was a 90's thing

are you like 40 or something? most of us were under the age of 10 during 90's

>most of us were under the age of 10 during 90's
wrong, kiddo

did you shove them up your ass and pretended to be a chicken after you took this pic?

only hinds and plant

chickens don't lay eggs out of their ass

yeah you'd know, wouldn't you

I would
wouldn't I

prove me wrong


Attached: Twins5.png (1279x735, 430.75K)

what animal did you suit represent?