Are McMansions in America really that bad?
Are McMansions in America really that bad?
I guess because they are cheaply built mansions to give people a false sense of wealth? They have no real symmetry to them at all, so it isn't pleasing to look at. If you look at the manors in Europe they are quite simple and symmetrical, yet timeless. That's what I think anyway
Looks dope
The modern suburban McMansion is an exercise in modern art. Surface-angles, windows, doors, roofs, and many design features entangle with each other in bizarre and provocative fashion, leading the viewer to question his own sense of the world. The question "What is THIS" quickly becomes "What AM I?"
calling mcmansions bad or stupid is just poorcope. many would kill to live in that house as it's probably over 500k
>inb4 i live in a mcmansion
no i don't im poor but atleast i don't seethe over it
They are honestly great and the old world is coping. You get a small row-house here for the same money you get a huge McMansion in the US. I would much rather have a huge McMansion with two big cars and a garage than a small old brick house that costs a million
I don't mind them in particular but I think they'd have a lot more soul if they were designed like those actual old school chateau manors.
Tony’s house in the Sopranos looks pretty nice to me and that’s the definition of a McMansion so I dunno
Ahahahah that's so fucking ugly ahhhaaaaaahhhahaaha
Are mcmansions built in those neighbourhoods where they have those HOA agreements that say you can't grow anything apart from an autistically specific type of grass on your front lawn?
there is nothing wrong using light and modern materials
americans just don't have taste
That looks like a giant sauna desu
>have enough money to buy an acre section and build a three story house with five bedrooms etc
>skimp out on the materials (gotta make savings somewhere)
Your property tax will go up the more you invest in your home. Depending of course on where you put your money in.
what do you mean skimp out of materials
>inb4 muh brick
brick is tarded
this would be kino. that house is probably for someone who is actually rich while mcmansions are only for middle class people pretending to be rich
just believe whatever you want to believe about the US
that's what everyone does anyway
My next door neighbors home is about 1000sq meters, a bit less than double mine and bigger than most of the neighborhood, and its absolutely attrocious, it's got this really generic ugly white staple shape. I absolutely hate living next to it. I wish tasteless people didn't have access to money, so they don't clutter up neighborhoods with ugly houses
brick is the nicest looking cladding. You have shit taste.
you are just tasteless and probably underage, mcmansions are bad and stupid because they are objectively bad in an architectural sense and most of the time made with poor materials.
they are ridiculously big, they don't have a dimensiton or scale for a person to feel good and comfy outside or inside.
In my personal case I also find a big house like that impractical and I would never live in a house like that, it just make no sense, why the fuck I would need 10 rooms just for me? to clean and pay for maintenance?
That goes for any country, really.
Mcmansions are stupid and bad, they're for poor people who somehow made it into the upper middle class and want to show it off to other poor people.
i got so many whyyyyy's looking at mcmansions i better not get started
Why is this the case in the U.S? Here in Australia and the U.K we just accept when we're poor and deal with it. Like why is American culture so superficial that being poor is offensive?
The answer is probably illegal workers from Mexico and other nations. They reduced the price of construction to the point where people demanded more and more space.
Good post.
I'd love to live in a 500k house that isn't a glorified 4000 sqft shed.
Because American culture and work is driven by the idea that anyone can get rich through hard work. That's why people will defend lower tax rates, etc. That mentality is specific to the lower and middle class though. They want to feel like they got somewhere even if they get nowhere.
>illegal workers from Mexico
Is this the case because they do all the work that nobody else wants to or is it because the employers cheap out and don't have to pay them benefits?
Wages in the construction sector fell by more than half due to illegal workers. There is no political will to enforce laws against illegal workers, either. It's either "racist," or it "hurts business."
>many would kill to live in that house as it's probably over 500k
fuck you, I'd rather live in something like pic related
Only for architectural magazines or as a vanity project for real estate jews so they can jack up prices
At least McMansions are livable and not just glorified museum pieces
its the oposite here now, polish workers beat you up and steal your stuff if you dont pay them the same as locals. they no longer accept being slaves on the work site.
>base your entire society on the belief that hard work leads to success
>repress the feelings of external factors contributing to wealth or success
>everybody who turns 18 has a clean slate and is on equal footing
>even those from ghettos to those with small loans of a million dollars
>demonstrations of wealth and success therefore become demonstrations of hard work
>the bigger the cars, the bigger the houses, the more hard working and deserving you are
and failing that, once yanks wake up to the idea that maybe not everybody is on the same footing and their own success was perhaps a little lucky then it's all 'life isn't fair, deal with it' with no desire to change the system because they're one lucky break away from becoming wealthy and they don't want to sabotage the system that is going to reward them any day now for their own hard work
lmao just work harder bro
>poor people who somehow made it into the upper middle class and want to show it off to other poor people.
The term is Nouveau riche or "New Money"
sorry its not a tent, diwata
>no i don't im poor but atleast i don't seethe over it
So you're poor and a retard. You can change one of those you know.
that house have proportions, a human connected scale, use real materials like wood and iron, and have a good landscaping work in the outside
you would understand that if you weren't living in a Manila slum
>3.50m tall ceilings
>human scale
This makes no sense, everywhere I look there's something but there's so much of everything it starts looking like white noise this picture is giving me an anxiety attack please daddy let me out