bribing edition
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
First for the unification of the Levant, the destruction of macca and the death of all boomers.
Ironic how in the top pic
they all did pilgrim to mecca and wear the title of pilgrim proudly.
while on the bottom pic
I am sure they never did and can't even if they wanted.
there will always be miserable peasants in the world that gobble up an ideology then bring it down. nothing will change them, but they will change anything that comes in contact with them to something worse.
Boomers are the most vile of goyim creatures. Back in that time nobody even wore hijab, I have shit tons of pictures of my grandmother and her family without it in the 60s, yet if they see a girl walking around without it they would call her a whore. Makes you think.
>The four colors derived their potency from a verse by 14th century Iraqi poet Safi al-Din al-Hilli: "White are our acts, black our battles, green our fields, and red our swords".
How does that make you feel?
my grandma also didn't wear a hijab until the 90s and we got pictures.
but she wouldn't see a woman without a hijab and call her a whore. that's hypocrisy.
but my great grandma always wore a 3jar when going in public.
not fair, I bet your great grandma also wore a form of hijab when going in public.
All in all, my grandma is not perfect and as common of boomers they are sociopaths kind of.
Nice woman you posted.
inshallah, is a white guy like me welcome in MENA?
playing with legos is nice.
My granny didn't wear anything, it was just her hair out. Same for her sisters and relatives.
And yes she does call a woman without hijab a whore even if she didn't wear it when she was young, I like granny and all but الصلعمة + بوومر is a terrible mix that leads to the most vile of goyim
bring your sister, king.
All flags of arab countries were originally the flag of Iraq
I understood.
My granny too nigga. she wore 70s shit. Grandad was like Elvis.
After I wrap my cock in ur mums hijab to preserve its modesty
this thread is full of kuffar
no. Out before I call my cousin Muhammad II who is in Australia. He sure would ruin your day.. Week, month or life.
I swear I thought the poem was about Arab flags.
You need more green and less black and red.
Don’t make me derail this thread. I came in with friendly intentions
A feminine penis then, tranny faggot. You will get raped by pavement incels.
Is that a threat? Please do.
>i just woke from a dream. a dream so good that it shattered my hopes and dreams, and the shock from returning to reality made me realize this.
>I will never, ever have a real furry boyfriend. Not even a fursuit wearing fuckboy will satisfy me. I won’t nuzzle my face on his warm, fluffy chest, rub his cute ears, look into his radiant and beautiful eyes... I’m stuck seeking companionship with humans, who are essentially just a bunch of shaved apes. fuck this real life so much.
>Don’t make me derail this thread
no pls don't piss in a sea of piss
No wonder Arab armies are trash, their banter is atrocious
lol what is he doing.
Let me clarify. This is not me
Thanks for clarifying, I truly care
That painting describes the birth of an Australian.
its a pasta i stole from a resident femanon
How are you going mate? Missing the footy?
Armies are for banter? that's lovely
arab armies only exist to crush revolts and start border disputes between other Arab countries and more importantly buy overpriced weapon deals from all the world.
Algerian Liberation Army was based though, it liberated Algeria. Then kicked back morocco, Then participated in a battle in against Israel That made Sharon write "it was hell they were devils" in his diaries.
>shit that happened like 100 years ago
Mate the armies are trash today and you have Lame banter
lel that pretty neat.
the armies are traitor tier not only trash.
I have shit banter? what a shame.
Its more of a shame I have banter in the first place.
You’re alright mate, I’ll come visit Algeria one day and see the sights.
You are welcome!
they must call iran the republic of cringeland
That looks awesome