Protestants are the plebs of religion

>protestants are the plebs of religion
>catholics are the patricians
Nevertheless, we are the CHADS of religion. Why don't you celebrate Palm Sunday, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gypsies are chads
>beggars are patricians
>rich world dominators are the plebs

you are all just low iq retards who believe whatever your parents told you to believe and have no reason to believe your religion is correct over any other

>westerner doesn't know the difference between the material and the spiritual world
I'll pray for you, lost brother, I'll pray for you
Maybe I'm not wright, but I'm a lot closer to the Universal Truth than any other Christian Church

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>spiritual world is stealing and scamming
>material world is respecting everyone and being honest

Based thinking white man

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>he still can't tell the difference between what can be touched and what cannot be seen
Do westernes even have a SOUL?

look at seethe of westerners
I'm Catholic but Orthodoxy is based

>what is soul: stealing, begging, lying
>what is not soul: being friendly, polite, making sure everyone has what they need

you mean heretics?
>catholics are the patricians
yes but true catholics (you can also call them orthodox) will celebrate Easter in a week.

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>Believing Jesus speaks to the Pope directly
>Believing the Catholic Church isn't corrupt
>Believing the Catholic Church doesn't break basic tenants of Christianity
Yikes, imagine having churches full of gold while your flock is in a famine, and then you extort them of money.

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>being friendly, polite, making sure everyone has what they need
Literally a cuck. I need a Mellotron, will you give me one?
That nigger looks based.

t. Not a lutheran himself

>literally a cuck
Have you ever read the Bible bro? NT in particular?

It's a difference in helping those in need and being used as a human ATM.
Sloth is a sin.

>believing what t*lmud says

>used as a human ATM
We all work and we agree to give a portion of our earnings to those less fortunate than us. We chose this system. And it works for us European Protestants very well because we are not like you orthodox or cathy. We are not lazy, we don't take siestas, we don't steal, we don't scam, when we find a wallet on the street filled with money we return it to the owner.
In Romania you just .. well, I know what Romanians do here in Finland. We offer them all the same things we give to each other and yet they just refuse to behave.


Psst, mannet ei ole sama asia kuin romanialaiset

Niinhän ne väittää, mutta kyllä on.

>believing what t*lmud says
Fucking retard lol. They new testament is older than the talmud.

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So called Romanians in Finland are not Orthodox, they are heretics. Not even Romanian, if you ask me.
Also laziness!=asceticism

in NT there are no cucks
in t*lmud however

being poor (not by choice but by foolish actions) != ascetism

Ascetism of the wisest individuals in a society will result in normies acting like animals because they have no guidance.

Romania mustn't have very many wise people then...

I bet we have more wise men than Binland

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I'm not religious, I just eat the Easter foods

You don't.

I do

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You don't.

based orthochads

Show me some great Finns.
Hard mode: no Sibelius, Simo Hayha, Mannerheim or a racing driver.

Attached: brancoveanu.jpg (800x1000, 102.98K)

Well, I'm image rangebanned so I can't post pictures like you can.
But here you go