Holy shit. Is flipland the next Italy? We have a shitty healthcare system that's why so many are dying

Holy shit. Is flipland the next Italy? We have a shitty healthcare system that's why so many are dying

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Do they count curfew death squads as dying from corona?

At least you have nurses

Are we the only one that know how to do our jobs?
Fucking hell you guys are retarded

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There hasn’t been a single hot-humid area that has seen bad deaths

it probably will not get as bad as the virus tends to spread faster in colder climates, but the low amount of testing is something to worry about

No, next USA

You have SARS experience. You are also quick to doing lockdowns, quarantine, etc

wtf they said the virus would slow down in the summer, isn't the Philippines a country with the eternal summer?

It's mutated to be all-seasons

I said Vietnam would be the next superpower.

Summer immunity is a meme when faced with a cash strapped healthcare system
So few are tested yet so many die

>slow down in summer
bullcrap, it's getting worse in indonesia.
aaand.. it's supposed to be summer by now but somehow it raining everday

it spreads slower in warmer climates but still spreads

I moved my tinder location to the flipland and I've never been getting this many matches so fast

They never said that. Diseases in general spread slower in the western world during summer because of a change in lifestyle, there isn't a real indicator this disease becomes less potent during summer like the flu does

Ok, now I can only hope this virus works like flu, so it's less contagious in the summer only in the temperate climate while on the equator it's all seasons

>because of a change in lifestyle

Except we can't change our lifestyle if we're quarantined at home.

That's the right type of lifestyle change though. In general being outdoors more rather than indoors helps slow down the spread of disease. This is why summer is when most diseases stop here and why they are back in winter.

>In general being outdoors more rather than indoors helps slow down the spread of disease.

Ok but they tell us to stay at home for some reason.

Tinder is an app whores and prostitutes use to lure white people to paid sex in flipland

I don't think there's evidence that it spreads less in eternal summer areas.
Also,we can't really be sure of hown many in flipland are positive, testing here is low due to 3rd world shithole status

They tell us to stop visiting schools, bars and other overcrowded places.
We are free to go outside for a walk, run of cycling trip. Those things hardly spread diseases

I would worry more about the lack of testing.
Usually, countries that get more than 10% positive cases compared to total tests are not testing enough and because of that they do not have an accurate idea of how spread the disease really is. Not to mantion too many asymptomatic cases go under the radar and continue to infect more people.
In that graph, Philippines, Brazil, USA are countries that are not testing enough

But your society is young and healthy, it shouldn't have a serious impact on your nation. Also since you're in a malaria-ridden area, I guess a lot of your people take chloroquine, so you're at least partially safe.

>We are free to go outside for a walk, run of cycling trip. Those things hardly spread diseases

Here it is banned too. But they advise just to 'stay at home' everywhere.

seems like now every Italian is a virologist

Is malaria vaccines really helpful against corona?

That is the problem, without testing it is, quite literally an invisible enemy.
That is why Duterte is threatening people just so they will stay indoors, if he doesn't, what will happen to this country? Millions will die just because a few faggots want to break quaranting or rally and demonstrate about muh problems

Shut up evil.
Obviously that only Thailand obly know what to do.
Everyone should go there for help !

I am not, however, here in Italy, the northern regions that tested more people (Veneto, for example) were far less impacted compared to the ones that tested fewer people.

>Is malaria vaccines really helpful against corona?

Not vaccines, just the drug that is commonly administered for treatment of malaria. It is said to quell the cytokine storm (and maybe it also has an antiviral effect but it's yet to be examined) that is the most dangerous symptom of COVID-19

>Millions will die just because a few faggots want to break quaranting or rally and demonstrate about muh problems

But what can they live on if they have no income due to the lockdown?