cmon don't be shy edish
Faces of Yas Forums
anyone know why my phone posts verticle photos sideways? cheers thx
>pic is me
this is what a TRUE CHICHIMEC ALPHA looks like
>plays the latest COD on xbox
>absolutely obliterated some kid with a quickscope
>bowel movements from its intensity makes the black dildo firmly rooted in his ass tingle
>kid loses it calls him a "faggot, go fuck yourself"
I'm always too paranoid to post ITTs
Me 13 years ago
post your face olmec, don't be shy
morning guys
shan't believe this
you look alri mehmet, not bad but not too stunning either. why is there a mirror in your underground?
post u face too
Chaotic good Bobby Hill energy.
I've already posted my face here several times unironically but i'm not doing this shit again because I don't feel the need to attention whore anymore
rather enjoying this one, there's a lot to unpack, cheers old man x
how old the fuck are you?
i'm op
just a bit of fun lad, you afraid people might dig into ya a little bit?
would i pass as a local in you're cunt ?
Ok here I go
nice try user
where the fuck are you from, a bit uncanny how similar we look
yes, cute btw
Stay comfy, Bobby.
I'm okay with this
ah yes the
>charlie hebdo got what they deserved
Tell me some countries where I would pass as a local
fotomu atma oqlim
Anywhere in South America.
just an anthropologist doing his thing, don't mind him user
y-you too
mine, would I pass as a local in yours? i'm
Interesting, even Peru and Bolivia?
Belfast, London, Edinborough
More than likely. I saw a lot of guys similar to you in Mexico (DF). You'd pass as local, and if people were to guess, they'd never guess you're Italian.
when was the last time u took a photo user?
I noticed how similar we look too, my family is eastern US and Arizona, but I'm very disconnected from the side I take after so it's anyone's guess.
interesting, even here people consider i'm rather swarthy (i'm swarthier than my brother for example), i guess in Italy you're used to tanned skin
I'm latino. Interesting to know.
Btw I always respond on Italian behalf, but I'm from the Balkans, Albania.
You look like my next door neighbor and I'd probably assume you were local until you spoke
America truly is a world of contrasts.
Yes of course
Get some clothes you slut
In reality nobody cares unless you can speak the language...mostly. There's a lot genetic variation though.
Cute boomer
already posted on hair thread.
Maybe too soon for another post.
That's a shame, how long has your family been in the US?
Personally, memes aside i'm as far as i know
>1/16th italian
>1/16th maori
>1/16th rhenish
>1/16th scottish
>1/8th welsh
then the rest are either southern english with maybe a bit of irish / northern english. hope it helps
You're the long haired ARYAN Brazilian BVLL, we all know you.
c h i s l e d
what's going on in the background there lol, looks like you're flying a luxury cessna