Faces of Yas Forums

cmon don't be shy edish

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anyone know why my phone posts verticle photos sideways? cheers thx

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>pic is me
this is what a TRUE CHICHIMEC ALPHA looks like

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>plays the latest COD on xbox
>absolutely obliterated some kid with a quickscope
>bowel movements from its intensity makes the black dildo firmly rooted in his ass tingle
>kid loses it calls him a "faggot, go fuck yourself"

I'm always too paranoid to post ITTs

Me 13 years ago

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post your face olmec, don't be shy

morning guys

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shan't believe this

you look alri mehmet, not bad but not too stunning either. why is there a mirror in your underground?

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post u face too

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Chaotic good Bobby Hill energy.

I've already posted my face here several times unironically but i'm not doing this shit again because I don't feel the need to attention whore anymore

rather enjoying this one, there's a lot to unpack, cheers old man x

how old the fuck are you?

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i'm op

just a bit of fun lad, you afraid people might dig into ya a little bit?

would i pass as a local in you're cunt ?

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Ok here I go

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nice try user

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where the fuck are you from, a bit uncanny how similar we look

yes, cute btw

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Stay comfy, Bobby.

I'm okay with this

ah yes the
>charlie hebdo got what they deserved

Tell me some countries where I would pass as a local

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fotomu atma oqlim

Anywhere in South America.

just an anthropologist doing his thing, don't mind him user


y-you too

mine, would I pass as a local in yours? i'm

Interesting, even Peru and Bolivia?

Belfast, London, Edinborough


More than likely. I saw a lot of guys similar to you in Mexico (DF). You'd pass as local, and if people were to guess, they'd never guess you're Italian.

when was the last time u took a photo user?

I noticed how similar we look too, my family is eastern US and Arizona, but I'm very disconnected from the side I take after so it's anyone's guess.


interesting, even here people consider i'm rather swarthy (i'm swarthier than my brother for example), i guess in Italy you're used to tanned skin

I'm latino. Interesting to know.
Btw I always respond on Italian behalf, but I'm from the Balkans, Albania.

You look like my next door neighbor and I'd probably assume you were local until you spoke

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America truly is a world of contrasts.
Yes of course
Get some clothes you slut

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In reality nobody cares unless you can speak the language...mostly. There's a lot genetic variation though.

Cute boomer


already posted on hair thread.
Maybe too soon for another post.

That's a shame, how long has your family been in the US?

Personally, memes aside i'm as far as i know
>1/16th italian
>1/16th maori
>1/16th rhenish
>1/16th scottish
>1/8th welsh
then the rest are either southern english with maybe a bit of irish / northern english. hope it helps

You're the long haired ARYAN Brazilian BVLL, we all know you.

c h i s l e d
what's going on in the background there lol, looks like you're flying a luxury cessna