Japanese food vydání.
/v4/ + friends
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With cute girls.
Blessing this thread.
Shower: completed
Easter breakfast: eaten
Trami: done
Good morning, ladies and gents.
woke up and my head hurts already
Yesterday I reached the peak of subhumanity. It can only get better from there.
What did you do?
Good morning sunshines :)
He was being Polish.
I am an incel.
Manolo, ¿las mujeres españolas realmente se ven así?
Got drunk, and in the evening a russian girl who I've been chatting with for a while, and the only person this year so far I've enjoyed talking with, messaged me and we started talking
It wasn't a good conversation because I drank too much, and then she told me she is going through some times and is grateful for conversations we had, after that she deleted her VK account
I am sad today, it was nice to exchange voice messages with her, she had a really cute voice and sang russian songs for me
How do I take care of my skin in quarantine? I feel like it got worse in last month.
zinc and vitamin d
I think I need Allah in life
Me too.
if you die in slovakia do you also die in real life
Slav = _ _ _ _ _
No todas, no es un aspecto muy típico pero algunas si.
Por ejemplo una de las chicas española que estuvo el semestre anterior en Erasmus aquí conmigo se parecía a la actriz de la foto.
>_ _ _ _ _
thanks user, it helped a little
what do you guys do during quarantine to not get fat?
¿Este corte de pelo es común en España, al menos? Esa chica de Los Serrano (la hermana mayor) también tenía un corte de pelo similar, si no recuerdo mal.
Es tan lindo, que odio el pelo largo.
>tfw writing in Spanish is extremely frustrating because you don't know enough words
I work out and eat one meal per day
El pelo corto así es bastante común entre feministas, que suelen estar más rellenitas que la media lo que es un problema, y vascas.
La de la foto es una política de un partido de izquierdas de España.
contain your homolust you gaylord