Are you proud of your heritage Yas Forums?

Are you proud of your heritage Yas Forums?

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No that's irrational because I have no choice in it. I an ashamed of my lack of wealth and constant toil

yes, I am

Has there ever been a man as based as Chaddam Hussein in the modern era? Nigga straight up reverted to ww1 tactics in his war against Iran

>no big-nosed, Ba'athist, Iraqi GF

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>Yank flag

Trench warfare is being used in ukraine now too. People never gave up on that. If you are talking about the gas and mass charges then yeah he was based

Yeah, my family traced back their genealogy back way far and found out we're descended from a ton of pirates on my dad's side. It's a cool little fact that makes me chuckle when I try to imagine my ancestors just being filthy pirates

Anglos have run the world for the last two hundred years and everyone else is forced to learm our language so yeah kind of

Skilled farm workers on one side and shipbuilders, Dock workers and soldiers on the other. All from Scotland going as far back as records go. Pretty proud, not a single person as far as I know has gone to prison. Had a Chad soldier ancestor who kept on getting drunk and fighting so he'd get demoted from sergeant to corporal periodically though.

this bitch is fucking hot, I wanna lick her big ass nose and cum on it.

Is she a descendant of saddam?



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I despise thirdies so much

Yeah cuz "developed" countries are much better

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Brazilians should hang from trees.

Are they okay?

This was the first gore i watched, ah the memories...

Whats the point? "Muh heritage" is for poltards and larpers. I'm happy to fail based on my own merit.

Yes because I am HuWhite.

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I am a 6th-generation Finnish American.
I am proud to be Finnish, American, Appalachian, and I am grateful for the sublimity of the English language.

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based deviant


I would have guessed the upper Midwest

Yessir; First colonizers of Southern Florida and tried to prevent the murder of the natives by the Spanish and Americans

My family moved from the UP of Michigan to Appalachia when I was very young for my father's career.

>sometimes im insecure about my nose but then I remember my ancestors

Attached: 100% olmec phenotype.png (493x623, 476.99K)

>feeling proud about something you have no control over
Not really. I don't feel bad about it either

not that user, but you'd literally have to move to finland in order to keep that lineage untainted