whats your favorite tv show or movie my cunt has produced?
Whats your favorite tv show or movie my cunt has produced?
show: tiger king
movie: heat
>my favorite show is the most recent thing to come out
BrBad>The Wire>Sopranos
plebs don't @ me.
other than cartoons as a kid, i've only ever watched two shows in my entire life. tiger king and lost. and i didn't even finish lost.
Based autist.
Scrubs and Frasier
TV show: Get a Life
Film: The Searchers
Mad Men and The Sopranos are great.I've only ever liked about 15-20 movies and i've watched 100s.Movies in general are shit.
Tv show: breaking bad
Movie: groundhog day
the wire. But is not like, "woha thanks america for the wire".
The good the bad and the ugly is american or italian?
Its exactly the inverse.
t. Patrician
>The good the bad and the ugly is american or italian?
both. Italians produced and directed it but the entire cast is american and obviously western genre as a whole is american.
i can smell the virginity from here
Movies: Several. Won't bother confirming place origin but i know my best favorites are there.
Series: Rome. True Detective S1, Breaking Bad, and maybe Fargo (S1-S2)
Twin Peaks
On that note: please receive my Twin Peaks inspired hot & fresh coomer OC and do with it what you will
show : Breaking Bad
movie : Taxi Driver
True Detective (1) and your pic
show: Mad Men
movie: Boogie Nights
good ol' spaggetti western
The three protagonists were. Rest was Italian.
Mainly recorded in Spain. lel
I don't know what to think about the new season.
The problem with US tv-shows and movie industry is that they extend good things just for muh profits and end turning to shit. see, lost, the walking dead, game of thrones, die hard, alien, terminator, rocky. and so on.
Only the 3 main cast members were italian
I haven't actually seen the new one. I have this fear that it's going to be shit and somehow ruin TP for me
Show: The Simpsons
Movie: The Master
it is by and large shit
>inb4 lynched
there's a few good scenes and loads of awful ones and pointless storylines
lost was super fucking good though
I mean american
they *lost* me when they got to the time travel part and the guy who's named jacob who's like actually a god or whatever.
I liked it when it was just like an adaptation of lord of the flies.
Twilight Zone and There will be blood
yea, its a spaghetti western.