andrew ed
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yeah i'm not a fan of you because you're a narcissistic sociopathic sodomite but at least you're not clogwog, so i will post in this thread.
i'm gay
yes here we are this is the thread we are all in here come on then lads let's show that windmill dwelling bastard who's boss
Me on the floor
So do tel...who was Jeffrey Epstein?
a very handsome man
I don't understand the hate with Prometheus. It was a decent film but Covenant was just outright forgettable. I know for a fact I watched it but I don't remember a single scene after they land on the planet.
contextualize the aroma
>haven't had sex since the quarantine
this is torture how are you lads coping?
The singer from Bloc Party
Handsome and charismatic for sure, VERY smart too. He had a problem though
dont watch if youre squeemish
I've seen Bloc Party live. They were alright. I think the worst band I've seen live are Plain White T's.
Plain white Ts were an absolutely horrendous band
yes. im a furry. yes, i'm bisexual. well, technically i'm pansexual, but it's easier just to say that i'm "bisexual" since most people are ignorant and don't know what pansexual is and sometimes even think i'm making a shitty attack helicopter-esque joke
i do not see a problem. in fact, i'm surprised you didn't already know I was a furry. You've known about me being a bender for quite some time now, right? There's an extremely disproportionate amount of benders in the Furry community so imo it shouldn't really be that shocking. I'm not super into it or anything, I haven't spent £5000 on a professionally made fur suit and I never will unless I win the lottery lmao, I tend to just roleplay online and wear a cute cat tail and cat ears when I'm home alone since it's a secret, only me and my ex know about my "hobby". My ex used to paint whiskers on my face with his mascara but I don't do that anymore because it reminds me of him.
i have also made a "fursona", but I don't know. I think I'm growing out of it. I kind of cringe at myself sometimes when I open it, mainly because I stated writing it when I was a dumb 17 year old. I might completely re-do it from scratch or just totally abandon it. Nobody cares about anyone else's fursona, people only care about their own fursona, their best friends/partners fursona and the fursona of important furries within the furry community. And No, I won't post my fursona. I'm the first person to admit it's Coldsteel The Hedgehog level cringe.
live and let live i reckon. furries get a lot of shit on the internet but that's just because a severely autistic and vocal minority have managed to completely fuck up the reputation of furries potentially forever. i do not want to fuck animals, i do not want to fuck cartoon animals, being a furry is only a slightly sexual for me. I like to wear a tail buttplug during sex, I liked to lick my partner a lot, mostly his face, chest and belly and i like to act like a cute and cuddly cat :3
Also very very rich and had his own island
Mutt Butt
Hey there delilah
Alri lads
Namefags out.
hello doug lad how's you lad doug my son
europe would crush america mercilessly
there he is
What’s it like in London City
Wahey lads
Only if that incessant aussie flag who bumlicks you lads every hour of the day is fighting
Shhhh. The topic has shifted.
Says you, mutt
Making toast in th' oven lad
you've got to choose one song to listen to at full blast until you get tinnitus
which song do you choose lads?
>Australians visiting the general dedicated to the discussion of British culture are more likely to be sympathetic to the British posters
what a shock!
reminder we're all meeting at the Speight's Ale House in Invercargill, NZ next Wednesday at 8 pm EST
Imagine if your gf was a nurse and she brought all her nurse friends home and they beat you up haha