Why do LatAm hate the Middle East?

I’ve noticed a lot of anti-MeNa comments online, not just here but also in YouTube and video games, and these are all being made by Latin Americans.
Argentineans saying they don’t want muslims in their continent, Mexicans making jokes about Allahu akbar, and Chileans calling them subhumans.
I want to understand what the cause of your racism is. You are more violent when you think about it, most Muslim countries are only dangerous because they are at war.
Especially Brazilians who think they are good crusaders vs evil ottomans, keep in mind that brazil has loads of transgenders and South America feminists in major cities can do whatever they want to men and get away with it.
You are concerned about Arabs in Europe but euros literally don’t see a difference between you and them, you are Arabs to everyone else. Most of your rich people are Lebanese.
The rest of the world looks at you and thinks of Africa but with drugs, that pretty much sums it up.
Please, we cannot have racism in 2020, understand that you, in all your hairy ape-like glory, are no better than a normal hardworking Levantine or maghrebi man making a living despite constantly being bombed by mutts and their banana republic supporters.

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Well they're not anti mena, just anti muslim.


i love mena though, hopefully some day i will go to the levant and visit every historical sites i can

>Why do LatAm hate the Middle East?
we don't

also why are you claiming racism while muslims stone gays lol.

double standards.

interesting point my friend

Homosexual is not a race

nooo opressed brown people cant be mean to other opressed brown people YOU CAN ONLY HATE US WHITE PEOPLE!!!

even menapeople hate mena

You cannot complain about discrimination if you discriminate in the same way.

>not just here but also in YouTube and video games

lol, user you are truly retarded.

It still discrimination, but nice try Ahmed

>i get my beliefs about countries based on youtube comments and games full of retarded magapedes
kinda based, actually.

In Latin america its about religion. Not race

not really we have shitton of muslims here, but the ones of the non-radical kind

Imagine a sudaca making a thread like this but about random mudslimes shittalking spics, so fucking cringe broh.

pretty sure the people writing in the article in Britain aren't the ones stoning gays

I'm just happy we dont get middle eastern refugees. In fact they fucking hate it here, lol. I read about some refugees in venezuela who were asking to be sent somewhere else.

Suddenly being poor doesnt seem so bad.


>I read about some refugees in venezuela who were asking to be sent somewhere else
That was in Uruguay. They legit believed montevideo was too unlivable dangerous and expensive compared to freaking Syria. Btw we have some middle eastern refugees here mainly from irak and syria

ITT: butthurt wetbacks

Spain's entire civilization is founded upon the idea that there is only one religion (catholicism) and that muslims are literally subhuman beneath indians.

because they're a slave race who are thoroughly subjugated and raped by their white masters
and arabs are pretty much the only humans who won't kneel to snow coons
-bitter over Arab existence pointing out how pathetic they are
-angry that we shit on their gods (wh*tes)

...So how many latinos got knifed or beaten or raped in MENA from the time that article was made? That was one incident 4 years ago. Before that guy was taken for an arab by some druggie he was living here 12 years, with a wife and child, was granted a stipend by the ministry of culture. Oh shit, imagine a non-Muslim marrying a native in Muslim countries. Dead before wedding. Someone got jumped w/o serious injury here and global media picks up the tiniest violin and does extensive coverage b/c they have instructions from their political class.

Muslims who don't even let people leave their proto-scientology or repair a church in their countries that is standing there since they invaded the place are deebly gonzerdned :DDDD with Christiano getting beaten up in 2016. I wish we had that kind of media coverage on you goat fucks. How many nuns did you slaughter again when Ratzinger quoted someone as an example of improper opinion of Muslims and you raged anyway because he uttered the words/purposefully took it out of context? How many people did end up dead then? Would we even know?

>So how many latinos got knifed or beaten or raped in MENA from the time that article was made?

the thing is that latino is not a race bro, we come in all colors of the fucking rainbow

and you all worship wh*tes

I’m convinced that all people living south of the rio grande that aren’t pure Indios have mena genes along with other assortment of a billion different genomes. The petri dish people down south is a strong case against race mixing and the like.

Wh*Te latinos are cringe tho

you wished

most latinos score between 1-5% mena when they're not of mena descent