just hanging out edition
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better than anime watchers, yes
Deano likes going on holidays to Portugal, Spain, and Amsterdam while exclusively sticking to the British pubs. Why? Because they went there the year before.
The only way to stop suffering is to wipe out this evil plague we call the human race.
I shag
Need an Emma Watson trad gf.
I'm the seaplane autist and I approve of Porco Rosso
not until we invent general artificial intelligence
this but the chinese
I wank
Amerimutts are built for British ____
im an alternative deano
im the kind of deano who'd rather spend money getting cunted on drugs on the weekend with the lads rather than go abroad
Alexa play Love like Anthrax by Gang of Four
would you lads say cocaine is a hard drug? like should it be in the same tier as heroine?
figured this is the right place to ask
you're just deano but you have no ability to plan ahead you mong
>2,000 deaths in one day
>teehee i'm not like the other neurotypicals :v
yes it's the definition of hard drug
you can do coke for a fun time and leave it there
heroin isn't really a drug you do for a fun time.
I bet Emma Watson poos at least once a day.
hard and soft is a fairly arbitrary distinction. Is LSD hard? The effects are intense but it doesn't tend to fuck you up. Alcohol is commonplace but it can fuck you up with addiction and physical side effects
I'm a lonely guy without a girlfriend
these definitions are made by battymans and tha
Mental how the Bubonic Plague outbreak of 13th Century AD also literally started in Wuhan
Do you want to be back to 2010's, 2000's, 1990's or older decades?
kek this is me (but i shag)
Had about 4 or 5 cans today but been drinking so slowly haven't felt remotely tipsy
Bit of a waste desu
i still can't get over how fucking amazing Dragbody's Faction Overhaul mods are. They really are fucking amazing.
if you want them, let me know. they're not publicly available because the guy who made them is an elitist.
they're in this gdrive. this is your one and only chance to download them. if you dont download them now, it's unlikely you ever will be able to ever again unless you make an account on GUNetwork, wait 12 months and make 500 posts in order to gain access to the downloads section.
>implying Lyin' Todd doesn't HATE new vegas
>implying Bethesda aren't insanely jealous of obsidian because everyone loves New Vegas and considers it the best 3D Fallout or even the best overall Fallout game whereas everyone hates Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 is empty and boring and lifeless and has no character or soul compared to New Vegas
here you go, lad. have another peng dragbody overhaul image. i can't believe this is fucking New Vegas. why didn't they make the characters look like this in the first place? why is one nerd in his bedroom able to design NPCs that look like this, all have their own unique outfits, all faces match their voice and personality perfectly, etc and even though bethesda is worth like a trillion dollars and has like hundreds or maybe thousands of employees and their NPC designs look like SHITE with tons of black characters clearly voice acted by a white guy and fuck loads of white characters clearly voice acted by a black guy.
bethesda sucks. new vegas is the only good modern fallout game. bethesda are shit at making fallout games and i wish they'd let obsidian make a new fallout but they never will because that'd involve admitting defeat and admitting obsidian made the superior fallout, even superior to fallout 4.
reckon shahar would fit in well at /brit/
>LSD doesn't tend to fuck you up
Everyone i've ever met who used it was a right fucking state
good morning i hate women
he's a sweetheart
1996-2003 seems to be the best time to ever be alive.
no one knows my pain
If society falls apart Im going to fuck every faggot with "programming socks" right in the ass
that'll teach those twinks haha
I want Emma Watson to suckle on my william.
who do i believe, i wanna try LSD
nah man the 80s seem to knock it out of the park. born in 1970 would be the best i say
currently having a text-to-speech narrator read out this absolute audiobook of a post to me while I cook lobsters in a 20 year old medieval java-based point-and-click video game
that mod does look unfathomably peng though
Might draw myself as a Simpsons character
aw ye
the face of the alt right
80s. Best music and pop culture. Imagine going to see Iron Maiden or Metallica in their prime.
Need to call up BT and ask them why the fuck I can still only get basic broadband with speeds up to 5mb in my area. Its 2020 ffs does that mean nothing
alri aleister
it's a drug that axctivates every sigle one of your brains connections at once and fools retards into thinking they've had some kind of "profound one with everything" experience when really they're just slurring the most half thought out retarded hippy shit at everyone they know. what do you think?
is this what you brits call a "deano"