post subtle signs of thirld worldism.
Post subtle signs of thirld worldism
Why do they do that?
Also, chlorinated tap water.
we paint orange trees here
guess we 3rd world
>Why do they do that?
the exposed bark of citrus trees is sensitive to sunlight
I live in arizona and we do that here
>Also, chlorinated tap water.
Water treatment is something all developed countries do, you dumb cunt.
Nordic countries don't chlorinate. At least not to any degree that you can taste. I always get an absolute shock when I travel abroad and discover that the water tastes of chlorine.
Not him, but I once heard the Baltic Sea is fresh enough to drink out of. Is that true?
It has a very low salinity, almost like a lake, but I wouldn't drink it.
more than 50k people infected with COVID is by far the biggest sign of third world
At least some places in swedistan do chlorinate though
We don't treat it with chlorine, we use fluorine instead, and it's to prevent teeth decay and thyroid problems
Cyber cafes
>chlorinated tap water.
like in southern europe
Nope. I have never tasted chlorinated tap water in this country. Everyone knows it's something foreigners do, but not us. Our water quality is absolutely top notch, despite what you may dig up to confirm your biases.
Unacceptable. We don't do that either. We just brush our teeth instead.
Yes. I have not tasted Dutch water, but it might be good. You are a lot like us, after all. The Brits on the other hand, they also chlorinate. Yuck.
cant taste the difference between bottled water and tap water here
Same here.
I have seen a lot of cringy flexes in my life but flexing about having non chlorinated/fluorated water is probably the wackiest one. That Swede must have a legitimate autism diagnosis.
Go have a nice glass of chlorine, leaf.
Go have a nice glass of Jamal's semen, Sven.
went to istanbul once
the tap water was so chlorinated it was like I had walked into a public pool or something
extremely obvious it was full of chlorine
>can't go out without seeing at least one middle aged or older guy walking around with his bird or sitting with it in a bench.
Is this a thing in first world cunts too?
Also, cars parked on the sidewalk.
Fucking kek.
>we paint orange trees here
To honor Donald Trump?
an entire metropolitan area of over a million people built below sea level at the bottom of a continents largest alluvial plain
>I regel kloreras allt ytvatten, men bara hälften av grundvattnet.
Dumb swedenigger.
Baltic sea is full of garbage and is outright toxic from decades of the Soviets polluting it with chems.
You can see it in the fat of the salmon caught there, it’s almost greyish instead of white.
That said, Swedish inland lakes and rivers seem very clean.
>Meanwhile in Denmark we simply extract the water and supply it
say that korea, japan and china.
Painted bridges.
They are third world though