what would italy be like if it were separated into north and south?
What would italy be like if it were separated into north and south?
south better and browner
One SOULful part and one SOULless, but you should give lazio to the south because I don't want my flat annexed by dirty polentoni
Both keep demanding eurogibs but when the south gets audited then they get kicked out faster than you can say identitarian.
The Northern part would quickly collapse into ruins in less than a fucking day.
South is less developed but it isn't a literal desert with no activity.
Many southern regions are the lifeline of the both themselves and their northern counterparts.
The Gioia Tauro has a port, which is situated in Calabria, situated along the route connecting Suez to Gibraltar. It's one of the busiest maritime corridors in the Mediterranean and the biggest port in all of Italy.
Only correct answer
>tfw when North Indian
>TFW when whiter or same skin tone as ex-NorthShitaliand and ex mutt Spaniard gf
Why're Southern Euros so dark lmao.
i only like swarth italians
Dark but white is my favorite. Nordic and pale is literally gay on females and males.
slight moor heritage
Current gf is light skin black. She took an ancestry test turns out she is half italian bros. I am going gonna propose soon bros wish luck pls.
yuck. Meds aren't black they are tanned/part arab.
You met a girl from North Italy in the USA who spoke Italian and all?
Or it was also a 'mutt', i.e a Latina like the 'Spaniard' one? Which would be not Spaniard actually.
Based Denise poster. Italian is the masterrace I want an Italian gf.
what's there to divide? it's already a collection of cities that are nations unto themselves
i want a swarthy denise gf
North would be anti-eurobonds.
South would be pro-eurobonds.
Spaniard mutt meaning all types of Spanish, she was like Galician, Andalusian and I think a quarter Portunigger? No latin american bullshit. North Italian because I was living in NYC at the time and her parents were children of migrants from North Italy.
How does this qualify her as Italian in your brain...?
All of her grandparents are North Italian, making her an American of Italian heritage.
one would be a corrupt poor shithole full of niggers, the other would be southern italy
north italians a swarth too. Even more than the south because they didn't get the norman invasion sicily did.
Really? Damn I didn't know that. I was under the impression it was an India situation.
nothing wrong with swarth women
>All of her grandparents are North Italian, making her an American of Italian heritage.
Making her racially pure Northern Italian in fact.
>Current gf is light skin black. She took an ancestry test turns out she is half italian bros.
What is the other half?
Yeah, looks like an attractive North West Indian, those are hard to come by.
my friend is half iranian and people thought he was italian
Black. She's half italian cause her mom got knocked up and she thought she was white. Last black friday I bought the gay 23andme shit for her since she didn't know her background. Maternally she is like 39 percent italian. But she's mostly a mutt.
North Indians, Pakis, and Iranians have a general look. Go on human phenotype and check Iranid and North Indid type. Looks really similar.
should italians be proud of their brown genes?
Alright, If I understand correctly, her mom didn't know who was the father (who was black)?
Good luck anyway.
Yes. Also thanks so much mate.
I mean it's their native genes, and only some of them are swarthy.
only the cute ones
Lol true.