Iam Corean not japanese. My ancestors killed japanese (jomon)niggers. Yayoi will rule the world.
Iam Corean not japanese. My ancestors killed japanese (jomon)niggers. Yayoi will rule the world
Based. Yayoi pride worldwide
Does the average japanese even know what yayoi/jomon is or am i getting memed by Yas Forums
t. yayoi rapebaby from jomon mother
They do but they mostly use them to indicate historical periods.
Japan and Korea is owned yayoi.
yayoi will win the race war agianst jomon. why? yayoi are bvlls we have higher iq we are more ambitious and seek world domination. jomon women belong to yayoi bvlls.
I asked this to one of the Jap friend on our Uni and he seemed quite annoyed.
>me : Hey, Are you Jomon or Yayoi?
>him : What?
>me : Are you Jomon or Yayoi?
>him : i am not barbarian
you should stabbed him for being a jomon in yayoi's hood.
literally son of cumfort woman
t. jomon slave of yayoi
my mom is japanese but a yayoi same with my father we have been pure breed yayoi for over 10,000 years.
>muh jomon muh yayoi
why dog eaters are so pathetic?
my dick is still bigger than yours no matter how many times you post that bitmap.
>elliot rodger kimchi leaf version
even korean girls mock dicklet korean guys kek
There's only two circumstance for believing this statistic.
1. Japs are so pathetic and pervert that they unironically measure the dick size and save it on government database
2. This particular Jap is just schizo
actually the 3rd circumstance for delusional losers
>Have no idea about Jomon and Yayoi before the insecure OP posted this thread
>Search it up
>Jomon's look like litteral chads
>Yayoi's look effemitante, lack masculine features and incapable of growing facial hair
Why do you do this to yourself OP?
Pic relatad, it's a Jomon decendant.
Japan, don’t forget the Pro-Japanese white mob in America, Canada, Australia and Europe have your back against the Northern Chinese/Koreans menace.
Look like that Pole, Koriab
Jomon and Yayoi are academic terms actually used in Japanese historical periodization, so everyone who got mandatory education in Japan knows those.
Nobody uses it to refer to phenotype though. The pseudo-ethnology currently prevalent on Yas Forums has been peddled by two schizo netouyo posters, mostly.
>Why yes i am an Jomon descendant, How could you tell?
Isn’t the correct term for hairy native people in japan the emishi people?
Post dicks or fuck off.
Isnt there a Yas Forums board named Yayoi or some shit where grown men pretend to be animet girls and trannies nd they role play homosecual sex actd
you're literally spamming this shit 50th time.
>fuck gooks and nip dogs. China will rule East Asia, and eventually, the world.
t. zhang
no, i am just a realist.