Wtf Japan?, explain yourself

wtf Japan?, explain yourself.

Attached: karoshi.webm (640x480, 2.79M)

based Japan




FUCK that roastie

Japan also made it illegal for women not to wear heels in the workplace because it makes them less sexy.

They also call women over the age of 25 who aren't married "Christmas Cakes" to infer they're past their good date.

Japanese are PIGGUs



Japan fucking sucks. Why do weebs idolise this shit country again?

Why did nobody tell me japanese were such chads?

You mean incels

just listen and believe women guys.

i dont get it if her job is so bad just find another one, wtf is she doing anyway ?

>My boss told me
Why the fuck don't these gooks don't beat their bosses them?
Cockroach blood is what we call it here in Brazil

>They also call women over the age of 25 who aren't married "Christmas Cakes" to infer they're past their good date.
That's correct them

Because Girugamesh

That channel has long since became mostly sensationalist garbage with a pseudo international angle. Their funding for truly international film, documentaries and reporting was completely gutted and they were forced to do a 180 and go all low brow sensationalism shit to try and appeal to the channel 7/10 audiences.
Also, why are you watching Australian domestic media? Unexpected.

>Japan also made it illegal for women not to wear heels in the workplace
This is bullshit and I bet you're one of those idiots that spread s equally asinine shit about China and other "Asian" countries.
Fuck any cunt who believes this bullshit.

The absolute cheek of nips

She harakiri herself. The company was fined with around $4600 dolaroos, but no one was held accountable for her death.

You mean insectoids

Because they're rejected by they're own society and have delusions that they wouldn't be just as equally shunned there because they happen to like bottom feeder shit like anime and weeb games.

idk, just popped up in my recommendations.

Japs and gooks will overdramatically kill themselves for the smallest shit, I swear. They kill themselves to hurt other people too.

Who fucking cares what your boss says. I ain't getting paid extra to look extra. Punk ass japanese.

why would the company be fined for her an heroing herself ?


Because in Japanese culture is the norm to bow to your superiors.

There's a reason why Brazilian workers there are being replaced with southeast asians now.

Her division was halved and her workload doubled. The court said she died of overwork, making the company responsible for her death.

If you are a woman who is more than 30 and unmarried, they call you makeinu ( defeated dog )
Imagine being woman in Japan

lmfao roasties seething
enjoy being dry and 24 and old goods
no one cares

in Brazil we also have 60k homicides and salaries comparable to African nations.

KYS nigger

Japanese workplace culture is actually pretty awful. I remember reading all the shit that Konami does like having security cameras monitor people 24/7, sending people they don't like to specific departments that actually do nothing or god forbid, they get transferred to the health spas.

t.weeb incel

They don't have any nicknames for men? kek

t. Bill O'Chang Yuin Zhyung

t. weeb incel


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