>be ordinary Japanese man walking in Tokyo
>see pic related
>what do?
Be ordinary Japanese man walking in Tokyo
molest the nearest little girls
Thank god for not being american.
have fun, gaijin san
direct my rage towards koreans on 4channel.org/int/
The dress look Chinese, not Japanese
I don't have time to look at them because I'm too busy working and not reproducing.
Same difference.
This guy is so cringy. I get liking asians and what not but why aim for the ones that barely speak English. For Christ sake that women’s name is ‘’Water’’ imagine introducing her to someone and say her name is ‘’Water’’
If you really want to insult them, spell it the normal way (i.e. 'Korea'). Their writing system is alphabetic and therefore they sperg out whenever someone spells it in the way that places 'Japan' alphabetically in front of 'Korea'.
Beacuse he lives in a country where the people don't speak English.. seriously what do you expect
asian women are top tier. Better than white women who became thots that are impossible to establish a relationship with. I say this as a white guy. Good for him
Do Asian women specifically go for beta men?
Yes but he’s dated ones that spoke perfect English. What I’m saying is he stuck with the one that literally can’t even speak English. What type of relationship is that?
Asian guys view the asian women in wmaf as their version of coalburners.
imagine how beautiful their hapa children would look like.
are you the russian
Thank you Abe sama
He is popular Livestreamer
The girl is a Chinese
Even if she was Japanese, I would be happy for them if they were a happy couple, I am not such evil that I would want them to be unhappy
aka /r/aznidentity or whoever
from my experience regular asian guys are cool with wmaf. only asian incels are not
>Hello sir, miss, nice to meet you. Would you tell me the way to the train station/restaurant/whatever please ? Oh ok, let me write that.... well thank you, have a nice day both of you'
Probably something like that.
no. who was that?
What's their slogan ?
>Drink the milk, your kids won't be subhuman chinks
Pretty much this, they need to find something to cling onto to cope with the amount of wmaf there is
>they are wearing a korean outfit
are you okay fromy your head retardo?
Top kek
But that's china...
How is that any different than the amount of cope white boys have for BMWF?
Never said that it wasn't.
No,that's chinese traditional dress.
Obviously Chinese roof.