im not happy that the germans killed certain people at all
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I'm based
i am happy about it and i laugh about it on a daily basis
after what they did to saddam with the help of their cucked slaves americans
I fucking love British culture
Wanna know why?
Indian police use helmets and sticks to intimidate those who violate the curfew imposed due to the outbreak of the virus
Who's your favourite /brit/ personality? For me, it's me.
are you a muslim? if not, what are your thoughts on islam?
Got told I looked like Jesus in a supermarket once does that count as being "heckled for my looks"
Also in a club had about 4 girls pushing me against a wall so they could stroke my hair does that count.
utter shit not worth mentioning
this man offers you a job
of course not, why would he cheer something he fought against?
pillard in the willard
cut your hair
Rose tinted glasses to be honest.
You don't consider your attractive, perfectly normal if you've got a sense of humility and you're not a narcissist. You'll always pick out flaws. I still do since I've had so many people talk about my appearance
I've had it literally so many times though so naturally I must think they're onto something.
I live in a provincial city where nobody would get scouted oranything, and I'm certainly not moving down to London to live like a starving artist out of vanity. I'd love to do modelling for a laugh to be honest but the effort isn't considerably worth it.
But yeah, I'm nowhere near perfect looking. And everyone's got their own preferred tastes.
this is currently the best post in the thread and will likely remain so until the end
islam meant a lot to saddam though and iraq had sunni thought in government
cut your wrists
Damn, Frankish women look like that?!
Nurses get paid more than enough for their skillset
Scotland forever aye cunts
always find it strange to see the remnants of british colonial culture in Indian uniforms. Even more so than in our own army or police
What would you know. Mboko, you horrid black cunt.
>Searching for posts with the tripcode ‘!!0fFMSfJHLfv’. Returning only first 5000 of 30001 results found.
Congrats on 30k!
stay safe, stay sterile, stay inside
no, model scouts are literally everywhere, you would’ve passed a few in your life, it’s literally their job.
I've got a hunch as to why you boring bastard
want to hear boris johnson pronounce this
British computer: provide a medical status update on Boris Johnson.
Enter the Gungeon is a very fun game.
Once got called "disturbingly white" in Elephant and Castle
you prob listen to Megadeth and Metallica so shut up lol it’s you who’s got the emo screamo hair
he's got another 16k on /sp/ and Yas Forums the sad fucker
truly a remarkable post
at the castle?
used to have girls walk up to me in high school asking if im single me. miss those days
You the one always posting his weird looking hand.
Oh dear. Mboko caught out being a lying cunt yet again.
Then I haven't been fortunate enough, a lot of its down to luck
three women once pinned me up against the wall in a supermarket and told me "wait here for the security guard to come and deal with you"
Haha yes lad
Get me a shot en
yeah it is
his interest in islam was an act to make him liked by the peasants of iraq its like the queen here their job is to be on the good side of public opinion
theres an incel whose the same age as me and he's hijacking my entire personality. should i feel flattered? (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and so on and so forth)
you got overpowered by women?
those eyes definitely lust for black willards
stupid fuck
shes so fucking hot - i would do anything for her and i mean literally anything
They're essentially middle management lmao they don't make any big decisions or do a lot of the dirty work like Health care assistants do. They get paid pretty much what they deserve. They spend most of their time doing paperwork
do you go out often or have an Instagram?
The local agency will have a good scope on the nightlife
Anyways it is down to luck and even being a ‘model’ itself is about luck. You won’t get the big campaign and advertisement board shoot from being better looking but more about what the designer images and wants.
yea yea we were all here this morning stop reposting
so it was at the elephant then?
I've spoken to lasses who do modelling part time and I think all of them had said that it's a case of a friend (who's not a scout) telling them they should take up modelling, them walking into an agency and asking what's available. I wouldn't imagine scouting happens that much but what do I know
Don’t understand the concept of “making a move”
Why not just ask if the girl wants kiss? And maybe sex? Do chads really just start fingering a girl during a movie? Bizarre.
is that your address at the top?
i listen to everything other than wog music and anything from london drum and bass is utter dogshit and you are a blert that smokes tea bags and snorts paracetamol
proofs? everything i've read seems to imply saddam was a faithful sunni
eh she's pretty average. i've wanked to dozens of girls like her. she's nothing special.
obviously a gimmick. no one would ask for that much on a single baked potato
i need your worldly advice my friend, how does an ugly person persist through life?
she's like fifteen years of age
someone told me i look like i hate black people in wakefield
Disingenuous lying Tory at it again
Doesnt mention nurses once
It was at the roundabout you cheeky sod
2020 year of the amerimutt gf
She is a fucking goddess, I think about her day and night, i would cut my right hand off just to make her smile
I need to protect her and breed her
do you reckon it's strange to have a tug on your willard to an attractive lass
not even doing anything sexually suggestive just
to someone who is pretty like
just got a strong gut feeling that im correct
does /brit/ like bladee yet?
You read body language it's not a Chad thing it's a non autistic thing
it's easier for them because she's so horny she's sending signals all over the place
Would leftymongs like me to dick in their mouths about gun rights again? it's always a laugh
god i wish that were me
Just watched a boy and his dog, a proper wacky apocalypse kino
>news is reporting the virus is disproportionately killing blacks
well no fucking shit lmao they're out having parties in the street and shit, ignoring any guidelines
wonder if they'll spin this as the virus being racist
resent this vapid strollop
would love to shag her though
what does "slaps" mean
lol yh ok bet you go to Download Festival
I only get called pretty or cute by girls, rarely ever hot or sexy
Will lifting change this?
I also never get liked by slags on tinder, only ever either alternative girls, munters or normal cute ones
190 you ugly cunt look at me