Guess where this street is

Winner gets 9001 internets

Attached: mystery road.png (1672x893, 2.15M)


Fuck off you prick

too bright for uk


grate fookin bri'uhn moite

Probably northern England, can't make out where exactly though

A mediocre working-class UK shithole

Does the sun shine as bright up in the Norf?
The answer is maybe, but not on this street.

Alfred Road, Dorchester, Dorset, United Cuckdom

monkey island


why does the UK look like that? why one of the richest countries in the world looks third worldish?

Our Ghetto public housing trash lives better than that, why do they settle for such conditions?

Attached: gwendolyn Chicago.jpg (1193x787, 521.81K)

Nailed it. Consider the 9001 internets yours.
What gave it away?
Did you use some kind of app to find it?

Quintessential Anglo-Saxon housing traditions, on both sides of the Channel.

Pieced it together from the minimap in the lower left
Elementary, Watson

Where is this? I take the right city for a good awnser.

Attached: IMG_20200404_224448.jpg (1080x1111, 358.29K)

Good job!

Mons, Belgium

criminally underrated

I bet they can hear EVERYTHING that their neighbors do....fuck that must be hell

Attached: alfred.png (2816x1073, 3.39M)

Nope, cold.


Some poor northern shithole, could be anywhere from Baltics to Kamchatka.

It is Western Europe, but not Belgium

uk, shithole city

NL then. You have slums like that ?

German poster above you is hot.

Looks like the steering wheel of the black car is on the right so that's a retarded place for sure.


More to the south.



Cold. More to the west.