Brazil probably will probably adopt France's government system

Bolsonaro is ded and most of the congressmen want a system change. They are thinking of of changing towards France's semi-presidential system. French bros, is your government system good?

Attached: kuruminha_render__1_by_matbox99-d7ogt80.png (1024x702, 291.32K)

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Kill yourself.

Why doesn't Brazil just accept western European administration, cede sovereignty

We never had a non-euro leader tho


Presidential systems are gay
Be a Constitutional Monarchy with a Westminster-style Parliamentary system

I would gladly accept that if our nowadays royal family weren't a bunch of nutcases

I like the two turn based election system because retards can't get elected that way

First turn everybody vote for who they want, and the extreme marginals always get less votes because they are indeed marginals

Second turn people vote more pragmatically, for the "less worst" or against a candidate, or for the one they picked first turn.

Someone like Trump or Bolso would have a very hard time getting elected with this system it was designed to be anti-retard

Our election system is two-turns as well and we still voted for Bolsonaro lmao

ah well Brazil can't be helped

Post their deeds.

The nowadays 1st and 2nd in line are affiliated with TFP (Tradition, Family and Property) association, which basically is an absolutist catholic association that mixes gnostic and free-mason elements with 15th century catholicism. They basically want catholicism to be associated directed with the Brazilian Emperor and the Brazilian state, pretty much like in the Empire days. This is literally Yas Forums's wet dream, but in real catholic terms and for the brazilian culture this is literally suicide.

Attached: Plinio_CorrĂȘa_de_Oliveira_como_prior_carmelita_no_sodalĂ­cio_Virgo_Flos_Carmeli.jpg (2636x1784, 487.52K)

You are retarded and don't understand how bad the alternatives were, the second round candidate was the minion of the convict criminal from the party that stole billions from Brazil and threw us in a huge recession and led to insane crime rates, he was the most unpopular SP mayor in history, he's openly marxist and wrote a dissertation called In Defense of Socialism "modernizing" the communist manifesto. His government plan included things ripped straight out of Venezuela like censoring media.

>brazilian culture
no such thing

meh, we are slowly evolving tho. I think associating ourselves with the US was the biggest mistake, we need to go back to our portuguese roots tho. Having a strong leader is necessary due to Brazil's size, but at the same time parliamentarism would optimize federalization and weed out radicalism


>muh socialism and communism
Do you understand that you are doing the same as Haddad supporters by associating morality and problem solving towards a state leader or institution?

The culture and religion of the people themselves should be the moral guideline of a country, not really the state or the state leader. And both Bolsonaro and Lula/Haddad want this to happen

>you are doing the same as Haddad supporters
What are you even talking about? What am I "doing" exactly? I'm directly describing what Haddad wrote, he has 11 theses about marx.

This guy is a disaster.

>Implying they are interested

You are doing the same as PT supporters by associating the leader/government as a salvation of the country's problem and morality. Olavo de Carvalho and all the new-right in Brazil are basically gnostic shills and absolutists that get thrilled with god-emperors and authority, which is basically the same as PT supporters do with Lula.

It's ok m8, I fell for that nova era hype too as well my friend.

The other guy was a literal communist

Again, what are you talking about? How did you take that out of my posts? Are you delirious?

They've been controlled by Western Europeans and Americans for generations. Why would they want more of that cancer?

Well, after a while one tends to recognize gnostic patterns in political speeches, just like you recognize humanistic patterns.

Your political speech of a common enemy is literally the most used speech to legitimize greater authority, even if you don't realize it. I mean PT supporters literally did the same, by saying YOU SHOULDN'T VOTE BOLSONARO CAUSE HE IS A LITERAL FASCIST HE HATES WOMEN GAYS ETC ETC.
What you are saying to me is basically

What's the difference?

Attached: Make Brazil Great Again.gif (3200x1800, 64K)

France has a government?

Not even 5% of voters are remotely aware of your culture war delusions, people just want to be safe and have a job and not be ruled by communists, get your head out of your ass.
Your entire reasoning is flawed and stupid, you are drawing a false parallel when in reality we have already been ruled by PT for 16 years and know first-hand how disastrous it was for every single aspect of this country, this is not remotely related to your internal narratives rooted in a sense of self-righteousness, you are ironically enough the one obsessed with morality and institution by focusing on this pointless garbage instead of pragmatism.

>a Westminster-style Parliamentary system
A yes, for when an American two party state gives you too much choice but you're too much of a pussy to go full China.

Well I love the fact that you are trying so hard to associate me with this PT-Bolsonaro dichotomy, it's like you need it to exist to conform your worldview and your choices :)

Have you ever consider that reality doesn't have to be filled with rage and constant mental warfare and that you can even find peace and happiness in your soul even in the worst case scenarios?

Being so on the edge with politics and things beyond your reach literally exhaust you in unimaginable ways, struggle must natural and within your reach, if not you end up recurring to dispair and legitimize unnatural things like dictators and nation saviours to solve all of your problems

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>trying so hard to associate me with this PT-Bolsonaro dichotomy
What? That's exactly what you did to me.
I find it hilarious that you are trying to excuse PT's horribleness by trying to imply I'm the one religiously defending something I never even mentioned, this is what actual gnostic patterns are like but you are worshipping criminals instead and like any fervent militant you are too stupid and self-deceptive to realize it, you are actually very consistently accusing me of what you are doing which is a classic and blatant coping mechanism by religious-like political militants.

>Have you ever consider that reality doesn't have to be filled with rage and constant mental warfare and that you can even find peace and happiness in your soul even in the worst case scenarios?
You are the one posting about politics in a board not about politics because you are a tourist who thinks this is /leftypol/, when you talk about politics and particularly bringing elections up then don't act surprised when people mention how terrible other politicians are, you fool yourself into thinking that your side is morally superior and it is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.

>if not you end up recurring to dispair and legitimize unnatural things like dictators and nation saviours
That's exactly what you are trying to do with this garbage off-topic thread by trying to bring up the comically corrupt congress as a nation savior, no one cares about your shit.

Also I seriously recommend you start learning actual politics before trying to discuss it, you are clearly far more interested in religious cults than anything else judging by your complete lack of insight on this matter.

don't you need a constitutional reform for that?
that shit only happens after years of society all agreeing and being super one sided in their political opinion
if popular consensus is divided in any way governments wont even try to reform