Are Levantines white?
Are Levantines white?
What do you mean by "white"?
Genetically they aren't really close to other Europeans.
In Syria, Muslims (Arabic speaking ones) are a mix of Arabs, Turkmens and Kurds. There have been also some Albanian (Arnaout), Bosnian and Circassian migration in the Ottoman days.
Syrian Druzes are ethnic Arabs from Bani Maa'rof.
Alawites are mountain apes.
Christians are a mix of Assyrians, Armenians, Arabs and Crusaders.
Crusaders didn't really mix much, they were their own caste.
no but theyre close enough to mix well
What I dislike most on the planet is the Lebanese. Help Arabs persecute them
Christians of the coastline are definitely mixed with Crusaders.
There is also a last name "Salibi"=Crusader and is found among some Christians.
Of course
t. lebanese
cvcked by JOMON BVLL
Aren't Alawites just proto Christians?
If you took the president's hair and put it under the pencil test I don't think he would pass
I agree. They try too much to be accepted by westerners. They're the ultimate bootlickers.
Are these Palestinians?
yes, 100% levantine bvlls
If this is white, then I'm white too
From Gaza or West Bank? Gazans are like Egyptians, they're not really Levantines.
>Sect literally named after Ali
Você é estúpido
West bank, we don't even have access to gaza
>they're not really Levantines
everything south of europe are blacks.
Post hand, Joao.
I just realised I made a lapsus. I meant to say crypto Christians, my bad.
Also women and men in gaza don't have shared universities/schoold
Wrong. We are our own thing.
Phoenicians, that's it. Fuck Europe we taught you how to write
Prove it. Considering they look just like them
Do you even know what "levantine" means?
why are you discriminating blacks who just need more money for dem programs?
check your Jewish privilege Moshe.
no was disproven already. genetic tests were done in a mass burial from the crusader era and the natives had the same dna as today. also lol at a Saudi calling anyone from the Levant ape you niggers all wish you were from the Levant. Copecopecope
Even worse dude.
They're not christians in any way
Levant niggas get dabbed on and bombed by everyone else.
Saudi BVLLs are chilling in money.
wut? Blacks were personally airlifted and brought to Israel as citizens on our dime