Why do people do this to themselves?

Why do people do this to themselves?

Attached: ok boomer.jpg (568x379, 79.54K)

its fun to be pretty

It makes them look better

Massive improvement

To buy their dream house with onlyfans money

Attention and money

that's tame compared to a lot of women

>people think left is ugly

She's cute without makeup

Would also do without.
Even more so

milibot? is that you?

both look good. just different styles.

She wanted to simulate what her daughter would look like after she gets bleached.

if u look her tiktok she is constantly forcing faces to try to look cute, fucking annoying bitch

is she latina?

Ugly people don't accept their ugliness
many should accept that not everyone can be beautiful like me

To get simp money

gotta get those goodboypoints in

Unironically would rather fuck left

left is cute already

looks far better on the left

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cute cute cute I want to kiss her

This. Left is natural, right has 100 hours in photoshop

This , I don't get it either she looks cute on the left photo as well. It's funny because it's probably incels and neckbeards who are saying how ugly she is without makeup



looks unironically better on the left and I'm into caked up bimbos

There’s a petition on Change.org to get her to shoot for BLACKED. JUST imagine a sexy Latina like her with a BBC. HOPE she does it.


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She's ugly in both pictures
t. Chicano

Left would be cute if the skin would look healthier

She looks good in both

She's not ugly, she just needs to wash her face. Oily face

How do I get boys to give me money online?

Attached: me.jpg (1080x1349, 177.24K)


I miss her bros