Iberian's stuck their dicks into this

>Iberian's stuck their dicks into this

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>tfw no brownfu

Attached: 9d468c6467503ceeed699b35a4bd6afa1ae4c887b06109b71e45619672dffc9a.jpg (734x814, 91.93K)

the face of the average american

If you had been stuck on a ship for 3 months with nothing but other dudes then you would to.


>And I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Attached: gigachad conquistador.png (1080x1587, 734.92K)

That girl in the scarf looks pretty qt

not really

They fucked the cute ones exclusively, that's why all the remaining natives are ugly as fuck

I mean they left their homeland for a months-long ship voyage to a wild unexplored land full of dangerous creatures, natives and illnesses. the least they could do was stick their dick in some Indian pussy

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Why are we still here?

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They fucked each other, spaniard are that attractive and effeminate.

Attached: mayan woman.jpg (683x1024, 201.71K)

clearly not as you can see they are mongoloids.

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Do they fucked the ones under 14.

Yo quiero...

>tfw youll never be a conquistador

You would have satiated your needs with these other men hmm?

Attached: Gimp frog.jpg (860x904, 101.28K)

>Yes, do you have a problem with that?

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spaniards just vassalized and ruled these people just as a king does to vassals, nothing was done to genocide or mix them.

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Probably yea


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why do you keep posting that ugly faggot?

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that nigga is half dane, at least post a real spanish

Probably, yeah
That means you're part spaniard part qt indian :3

>That means you're part spaniard part qt indian :3
there is no evidence any mexcian has any but the most scarce spanish ancestry or any at all.

>you're cruising through the amazon jungle with your conquistabros
>see this:

what do?

no, they stuck their dicks into the prepubescent ones

of course you would
just because its cliche doesn't mean its wrong


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oh wow

Nigga you insane, or from Oaxaca

Columbus was a pedophile, he would've been lynched if he was alive now.
it was a different time...

almost everyone was a pedophile back then. people didn't live very long, might as well impregnate them while they're young.