>Iberian's stuck their dicks into this
Iberian's stuck their dicks into this
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>tfw no brownfu
the face of the average american
If you had been stuck on a ship for 3 months with nothing but other dudes then you would to.
>And I would do it again in a heartbeat.
That girl in the scarf looks pretty qt
not really
They fucked the cute ones exclusively, that's why all the remaining natives are ugly as fuck
I mean they left their homeland for a months-long ship voyage to a wild unexplored land full of dangerous creatures, natives and illnesses. the least they could do was stick their dick in some Indian pussy
Why are we still here?
They fucked each other, spaniard are that attractive and effeminate.
clearly not as you can see they are mongoloids.
Do they fucked the ones under 14.
Yo quiero...
>tfw youll never be a conquistador
You would have satiated your needs with these other men hmm?
>Yes, do you have a problem with that?
spaniards just vassalized and ruled these people just as a king does to vassals, nothing was done to genocide or mix them.
Probably yea
why do you keep posting that ugly faggot?
that nigga is half dane, at least post a real spanish
Probably, yeah
That means you're part spaniard part qt indian :3
>That means you're part spaniard part qt indian :3
there is no evidence any mexcian has any but the most scarce spanish ancestry or any at all.
>you're cruising through the amazon jungle with your conquistabros
>see this:
what do?
no, they stuck their dicks into the prepubescent ones
of course you would
just because its cliche doesn't mean its wrong
oh wow
Nigga you insane, or from Oaxaca
Columbus was a pedophile, he would've been lynched if he was alive now.
it was a different time...
almost everyone was a pedophile back then. people didn't live very long, might as well impregnate them while they're young.