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I like both of those styles. Early modernism was quite clean looking. I hate most late modernism and post modernism globalist buildings
Didnt Dresden get bombed
who ordered the demolition? and why?
the british. to destroy the german industry and their will to fight
Oh Lord, you're trying to make me sad again, aren't you?
Why are they like this?
Yes. And it got rebuilt well.
Oh wow how sad! Just kidding, you deserved all of that... Bombing us when we already gave up, so sad... Maybe dont go to war next time idiot...
The former building was build by German architects, the latter building was forced on us after our cities got destroyed
t. only had giant wooden log cathedrals and knockoff french architecture before world war 2
I suppose someone shouldn't have bombed them first
Why do you not rebuild your best architecture?
We were under occupation for 4 years after the war and under control of other countries after that for a while. So it's not like we could easily decide what gets rebuilt and what doesn't, especially in the East were the Soviets just decided to tear anything they deemed unfit for socialism down. It took us years to regain economical security, the so-called "Wirtschaftswunder" gained traction in the 50s.
Some places were rebuilt well, Dresden for example. Frankfurt got its old town back a few years ago only. But not all of them.
You are still technically and actually occupied by a foreign power tho
Its sad. I remember some german says that you had a kings palace or something but people didnt want it rebuilt because they thought it was too nationalistic
stop making me cry user
You mean the Berliner Stadtschloss? It's getting rebuilt, but one side of the facade is changed and it will house a museum of tolerance-esque shit instead in order to appease the nay-sayers that hate this country but still live here. They also had a huge argument about whether the building should regain its cross on top ("muh muslims will feel threatened by Christian supremacy signs") and the statue of Emperor Wilhelm I. the original Schloss had in front of it. They will return the cross I think, but the Emperor statue won't return.
God. When the fuck will you stop being such a bunch of fucking KEKS.
>We were under occupation for 4 years after the war and under control of other countries after that for a while.
You should be grateful you had a nation and independence so soon after the war.
Other countries have lost their independence (totally) for much less. And it would take centuries and a bloody rebellion to *maybe* get it back some day.
In a weird way, yes. But it's not like 1945-1949, now we have control over our government but still allow foreign military bases. And all of them are leaving step by step.
At least you have a war to blame, some countries turned their historical centers in glass shitholes for no reason.
Too bad Europe got too warlike in the late 19th century
Nobody denied that, he only asked why we didn't rebuild all of our buildings and I told him why. That's it, calm down.
It's BERLIN. It's a shithole filled with foreign scum and cucks that hate Germany. That city used to have potential, but now it's a lost cause.
Go to Dresden when if you want to see what good reconstruction looks like.
Based pic. I always wanted to know what Teddy and Bismarck woould have thought of each other. They missed each other though, Bismarck was chancellor from 1862 to 1890 and died in 1898, Roosevelt was president from 1901 to 1909.
how strongly would you say that you love Germany
Why do they demolish this world fair buildings? Do they just not want peasants to be able to enjoy them?
I? First of all, don't confuse country with government. Without thinking my nation is superior to other nations automatically, 9/10. I get really mad when people here hate on this country without naming actual reasons that go beyond "historical fault" and other bullshit. I often find things here worthy of being improved, but to me, that's a sign of love and I think it's a notion that made us successful in the past. It's very hard to put into words. But yes, I love my country.
>Yes hello?
>Get Bomber Harris on the phone quickly I have something to tell him