The New Hanseatic League

Pretty based if you ask me,
The league will protect our interests within the EU

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wait why aren't we invited?

Die Hanse was literally a german guild. Either we are invited or you search for another name.

oh shit they've found out

Its already a thing now so sorry wont change
Its a league of the smaller Northern Euro's
Read the wiki

You can't use that name. That's cultural appropriation

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Ssshh Hans its okay,
We'll play bad cop for you so that the southrons will be mad at us while you secretly agree with us but dont affiliate

So it’s the Netherlands and a then a bunch of nothing States.

I don't mind small Northern countries banding together to represent their interests, but could you please chose another name?
My city (Hamburg) has a long hanseatic tradition, and knowing that there is an organisation called New Hanseatic League out there and we are not part of it really hurts my feelings

It's ours by right of extermination.

reminds me of this classic

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>North Euros have the New Hanseatic League
>East Euros have V4
>South Euros have EU Med Group
>Germany has nobody

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you have austria

You have us. The New HRE would be 1000 times cooler than whatever the nordics create

based gang

For the same reason you are not invited in the three seas initiative, you would dominate it and made the whole thing meaningless, those gropus are memes anyway
You are Germany and you have Germany

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zero effort in paint

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Im sorry Hans :(
I live in Groningen, also an old Hanseatic city

Do you mean Hanza, the famous Polish trade organization?

I live there as well

Hey thats cool, I also live in Groningen.

Im from Friesland though, only here for my bachelor history at the RUG
Not sure what I will do as my master though, but certainly in Groningen

This doesn't make any sense. A political union in Northern Europe intended to contain German influence should be called 'New Kalmar Union' if anything.

I'm doing my bachelor for 7 years now rate

Kek also history or?
Im in my 4th year now, gonna finish in the 5th
then choose a better master so I dont end up being a history hobo with a shit ton of debt
but rather someone with a mediocre job with a shit ton of debt

I think it's neat that the name of the hansa is still used today

There is Hansa Rostock

t. Bundesliga pro

>New Hanseatic league
>Germany not part of it
Just create your own with France, Belgium and Luxembourg

I know. I just wasn't aware that people outside of Germany remember the Hansa

I think this organization shaped the culture and created prosperity of many cities, of course it is important.