
He is Risen edition

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EXCELLENT edition. Love are Jesus.

mad how jesus died and then woke up and escaped



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haha cheers lads x

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/britfeel/ radio is now live

YOU can call in and be part of the action by messaging the co-host on discord at Moni#7935

We currently have 5 guests include 3 British, 1 Swedish and 1 Finnish person-



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Ozark girl is pengalengadingdong

fuck off sex offender

Vote Tory!

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the daughter?? yea well peng


jesus loves you
but i think you're a cunt

Don't get why so many people worship a schizophrenic hobo

God rest his soul!

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piss off bloke in a dresscase

Because it makes them feel good about themselves and all their shortcomings

I'm a black bastard

*rolls the stone away*

EXCELLENT edition.
Jews and atheistmongs on the ropes.

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did you know there were two characters in the Bible called Lazarus? must have been a popular name back then but nobody has it now

did that once while nodding off on a pile of rubble outside the trap house

for me it's God and his Son Jesus

lmaooo jesus locked in a cave by the lads for banter, sounds like a little wetty

shmood rn 2bh lads


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allah subedition

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>Biden supporter

That's a yikes from me dog

give up satan, i have the highground

I do yes because I am not a godless heathen

hope jesus understands and forgives me for hoping you die a horrible death

Mental how Jews are God's chosen and Jesus himself was a Jew, the King of them infact, the Jewiest of the Jews

what the fuck is wrong with his gums

jesus please punish amer for his wicked and evil ways

I can see why people go crazy in isolation. I keep daydreaming that other people are here and seeing things crawling on the walls.

Looks like big floppy titties

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gonna take the rest of my mdma tonight then going drug free for the rest of my life. cheers

Judas used to be super common too.
Makes you think.

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his gums are fantastic and healthy. im sure yours are much worse off.

>Just one more thing. I noticed you had a box of chocolates, *in date* and a fridge full of Peroni. Sounds like your journey to Tesco wasn't for essentials, sir.

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It really do be like that

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A schizo has delusions of grandeur and theories all with the underlying intention of feeling important with zero regard to being right or not. They spout anything even if it makes no sense within their own logic.
In the Bible, meanwhile, if you read each book correctly you can certainly take something with you about human behaviour, how life works in general, how to achieve things and have a more fulfilling life, the works.

Jesus spoke like no schizo on the streets. Why do you think Pharisees were terrified of him?
The rabbis saw something that terrified them.

he's thinking the same thing

no you don't
be quiet

Wanna nip to co-op and get a steak but I don't wanna leave my flat too much desu.

archbishop lazarus

>hear voices in your head
>see a psychiatrist
so this is how NPC's interpret an internal monologue

there's nothing wrong with having thin wrists

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the goat strategy game

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ha, good luck and godspeed

watched a video about My Name is Earl on youtube and it was uploaded by a russian with a chinese name and when someone commented saying thank you, he replied "my pleasure. good to meet you. FAN OF EARL."

been laughing for a solid minute for some reason at that haha

fucking dutch had to one up us didnt they

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you reap what you sow piggies

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Literally do. I keep seeing things on the walls then look at it and there is nothing there. And I don;t see people there, just keep thinking someone is there then there isn't.

Unironic thoughts on Sadiq Khan? How do most Brits view him

shouldve voted bernie

send the US your seeds lads, they need them


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have been loving how seething Jewyank has been these past few days with all the Jesus love in /brit/


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coop is a bag of shit
expensive for no reason

Are the Tories still pledging to cut all homeless people in half by 2025?

lol. wtf

good lad

Top edition, scare some birds in the name of Are Lord tomorrow lads

Scriptural basis:
>5: And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
>6: And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
>7: But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
>8: And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.

Don’t worry guys, Jesus is cooming to stop Corona (even though he created it and could have stopped it anytime)

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What books you lot reading then?

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Fucking shut mate

they're also burning 5G towers in the netherlands lmao

why are dutch people so like us?

our salaries are dogshite compared to yanks though

Jews rejected and murdered Jesus, who is the Messiah and God Himself. They serve the Synagogue of Satan now.

He is risen indeed

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television brits

I've been saying this for years

>Letting yourself get thoughtcucked with words on paper

Marshall Mathers = MM

Freaks my nut this

Off licenses are essential here

>Letting yourself get thoughtcucked with words on a monitor


he is risen

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>Jesus spoke like no schizo on the streets.
Everything that came out of his mouth was schizophrenic.

Partly because the entire Gospels are fictitious and inspired heavily by other religions

Is this mexican ngubu posting?

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Why'd he steal his hat?

this britfeel radio thing is like listening to a gang of retards in a window licker centre all sat there having a conversation

bus drivin' fool

YOURE off license,
hand over your badge you're off the case

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30 year old bloke who wears women tartan clothes

like a dinosaur

*randomly wonders whats going on in Albania rn during all this*

are they doing okay?

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Mum's walking around the house in short shorts and yoga pants with no bra and as far as I can tell going off to her room to wank every other hour. She also seems to be reading porn books

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what are they talking about?

for the deer
for the lizard must have made his week

fuck sake why did this make me laugh

stop your goddamn soul crushing filth already lad. not enough dope in the world to make me okay with viewing these things

>Everything that came out of his mouth was schizophrenic.

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Slim Shady
he's slim
she's shady

i'd rather the $1200 desu

Post rabbits

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Props to Jesus for dying for our sins, top bloke x

whoa moni looks like THAT?

is this real?


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Recommending weight loss is harmful. Recommending weight loss is unethical. Recommending weight loss contributes to eating disorders. Recommending weight loss is fat phobic. Recommending weight loss is never ok.

pika pi?

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would like to kiss her tummy

Give me some fucking BANGERS.

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>out for a drive due to boredom
normalfags I swear to god