/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/

קורונה בחברה הערבית אדישן

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jewish girls are made for arab cock

اللهم العن اليهود ولا تشملهم في رحمتك
وعذبهم عذابا يستغيث منه أهل النار
ويسبح من عظمته أهل الجنة

מהדורה גרועה

she's an arab you fuckin imbecile

Attached: 64696228_404129343542107_2138629243119321945_n.jpg (1080x1350, 127.13K)

It's another thread faggot just post

Are you an Israeli Arab?

אני הולך לשחק cities skyline
אם התרד יהיה חיי ב 00:30 אולי אני אחזור

I come from morroco but I'm not Arab, spharadim are secular and civilized, there's nothing arabic about us, we hate Arabs here, we descendant from spaniards-romance and are thus European white. My great great great great great great grandfather was said to have brown hair and white skin which proves my Spanish white ancestry

I highly doubt that i think the isr hype has died already

انشاء الله آمين

t. goyim
Marg bar israel

show us your city fellow Jew.
Rate my epic Minecraft build frens.

Attached: Capture.png (1334x748, 2.05M)

Fuck ultrakikes

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>I come from morroco but I'm not Arab, spharadim are secular and civilized, there's nothing arabic about us, we hate Arabs here, we descendant from spaniards-romance and are thus European white. My great great great great great great grandfather was said to have brown hair and white skin which proves my Spanish white ancestry
I see, well I was confused by the name Muhammad Zakria

I searched for ultrakikes on the Yas Forums archive and all the posts were mine. Start hating them along with me, but be prepared to ban evade.

He's not OP no Jew is named Muhammad

I think I also said something about them a few threads ago.

Epic/10. but you need to cover that big window with glass and get a better flag

>cover that big window with glass
I planing to build a bridge from there to my friends house.

איך לא להיות כישלון?
הנורמי שמגיב לי, תחסוך תמשפט על >תכה בחדר הכושר, תדבר לאנשים ופשוט תעשה את זה XD

>He's not OP no Jew is named Muhammad

>איך לא להיות כישלון?
באילו דרכים אתה מחשיב את עצמך כשלון?

just take a shower I'm serious it works for me

תחשוב על איזה שהיא מטרה ריאלית לטווח קצר ותתכנן איך להשיג אותה, כשתצליח תעבור למטרה הבאה

Which language is more beautiful, Arabic or Hebrew?

Arabic looks nicer but Hebrew is less gay

Isn't that subjective tho?

I like Hebrew a bit better. Sounds less guttural.

>Which language is more beautiful, Arabic or Hebrew?
Depending on which aspect. Arabic always looks nicer (calligraphy), Hebrew can look good as well, depending on the form of writing. As for sounding, both language has some similar sounds, though Arabic has way more "ugly" sounds. In Hebrew, some speakers (Mizrahim) retain more sounds than normal. Generally speaking though Hebrew can sound very good and pleasing, whereas Arabic is mostly unintelligible and harsh.


the fake energy there was strong