

Attached: 6ACC7624-FE27-48D9-9DC4-D3D5D82F4574.jpg (492x327, 37.01K)

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Slavă Ucrainei!

Attached: 2018-06-16 17.13.12.jpg (3120x4160, 1.33M)


E vocea mea, perversule.

This user here is lying. I just wanted to make it clear. He’s a notorious identity thief on this board

Why are you posting Serbs?

Attached: 19391709.c9cbef6e[1].jpg (1183x800, 170.76K)

Lol. Hohlosteagul să înțeleg că e Lenocica?

Da, așa îl/o numesc eu.

E capcană?

It's actually /ro/- Firul Nostru, but newfags will newfag.

Hope you guys are having a great night. Here’s a Ukrainian poem I recorded specifically for you

I thought they were Romanian lol. Sorry

Attached: 2342D5F9-A854-4D79-BCCE-EBC411551F11.jpg (1062x892, 76.19K)

Zice că-i băiat, da scrie într-o manieră femeiască, iar toamna a publicat o captură de ecran, unde în parantezele dispozitivului AirPods era scris "Eлeнa" și de atunci îi spun așa. Mulțumesc pentru compliment, eliberatorule.

Reposting my reply here

Quickly glancing over the album covers, this seems to be a black metal chart? Not complaining, I will check them out either way.
>you mean some kind of rock?
Not necessarily. I'm asking for metal in general. Thanks for the links.
Thanks as well
Oh, so the chart is indeed for black metal then. Will look into it, as I said, but do you have any romanian death metal to recommend? Between the two genres, I lean more towards death metal.

zici ca ii macanache


Is she Romanian model girl in this video? Anyone knows her name/insta?

hey ukraine

never really heard of her but dope music

I have no idea what are you talking about lol

The pics are from this movie.

I know. I haven’t it watched since childhood hence the confusion I believe )

I googled once and found out that she is Romanian. But now I can’t find that source. I thought you could help me guys.

Soooooo like when is Romania planning to annex Moldova?

Vă doresc seară bună tuturor


As soon as they join the EU. It might take some 50-60 years but we're playing the long con here.

But isn’t Moldova pro Russian?

i wish, probably in the future, we will see, we gotta fix our own country first to make this move though
yea, she has a romanian name, idk i tried to search her instagram but some of the women dont really look like the one in the video so idk

>annexing Moldova by it joining a globalist anti-national "blanda up" bureaucracy
It was unionism tire

it is and thats the problem(no offense to russians)
some of their politicians need to be gassed

Seară bună!

Whoa. Seems like extreme measures

Să ne rugăm, curând vor fi Sfintele Paște al ortodocșilor.
Blagoslovește-ne pre noi Domnule întru credința Ta unde toți sfinții tăi se odihnesc.


Yes, it is.

the ukrainain girl just called us all gypsies and you all here sucking on her clit.

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Pentru asemenea cazuri îl avem pe Pekka.


I didn’t mean to, sorry :(

I hope I won’t be banished from this thread by Romanian sjws:((