How will we solve racism in the Chinese century?

How will we solve racism in the Chinese century?

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part two

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i dont like blacks but foreigners like chinks are even worse

African expats appear to be getting scapegoated for their new coronavirus wave

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>Chinese are superior
Chinese are a vermin worse than anglos, invading every continent, ww3 now

we dindu nuffin

>and yes I am racist

Can't believe the CIA would be so evil bros...

umm sweetie, Asians as POC cannot by definition be racist

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wasn't this when the black thugs rounded up some chinese?

>Yes I am racist

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I have a feeling that racism against Asians will be going up in the west. Good

They need more interaction with black people

What about in Africa then?

no, it's from this week after nigger foreign workers were rumored to be bringing corona

I don't know much about Africa

Africans don't give a shit as long as they keep getting China gibs

this is why they needed cultural revolution but it failed

What problem?

fuck who am I kidding, all of asia need cultural revolution for their retarded bronze age beauty standard

Kek, asians are digging their own grave in the west. They will be the new boogeymen just like blacks were before the 60s-70s and just like arabs were after the 9/11 or worse if the pandemic keeps getting killing more and more people. Chinks should just shut the fuck up and admit that they messed up by eating bats and disgusting animals instead of trying to find a scapegoat for their evilness.

not really

Are you sure?
Because I was anti-racism before my first interaction with a group of "poor refugee"

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what are these subhumans thinking of
there are retards from every ethnicity and there are good ones too, don't undermine the good ones by judging them as a whole

Feel sorry for black people. Once China becomes the super power they're gonna fuck Africa up.

>African expats appear to be getting scapegoated for their new coronavirus wave
>chinks send the virus to africa and the rest of the world
>chinks dindunuffin
>africans are roumured

>stefan molyneux

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Blacks in the USA aren't really following quarantine orders and they're getting Coronavirus at very high rates so same thing is probably happening in China

Retards in America don't get city-wide restaurant bans for entire races of people

>Feel sorry for black people. Once China becomes the super power they're gonna fuck Africa up.
Africans always had it quite bad.
Will probably continue to happen desu
Also unless china becomes as rich as the USA (per capita), which will probably never happen, it probably won't be one