Irish and Scottish Gaelic will never be widely spoken again and will at best be ceremonial languages

>Irish and Scottish Gaelic will never be widely spoken again and will at best be ceremonial languages
>Manx and Cornish will only ever be ceremonial languages
>Breton will become extinct thanks to French language policy

We're the only true celtic nation. The only one that didn't succumb to anglo influence and has managed to sustain a living celtic language. The last bastion of Celtic culture. Wales, my home

Attached: welsh-flag.jpg (852x480, 50K)

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Say something funny in Welsh here


Attached: cymru4.jpg (1024x655, 82.1K)

Scottish Gaelic hasn't been widely spoken for 400 years.

Tha mi duilich, ach chan eil sin ceart. Bha airson CHULLODEN, gu marbh Gàidhlig ann an Alba

not that kind of widely you fat bastard

Scotland's language please, Scots. :)

Lowland Scots have the benefit of being Anglo without being blamed for Anglo crimes.

A bit chubby yes but I'm trying to cut down the sodium to get more in shape

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False actually.
The burgh records show they had no majority population until the groups all mixed to make Scots. English was used like how it was in Africa today.

I've just ended a welsh campaign on CK2.
Kek half of England was welsh.

It was half welsh until the viking age.


Attached: Aberfan_disaster,_October_1966.jpg (269x370, 34.28K)

what is going on in wales? i never hear anything about you, why is that?

"If you had not commuted great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." - Edward I when at Wales

naebdy here can speak scots though

not true.
around 50,000 speak it.

That's only the size of an oversized town though. There's probably more people who speak Polish.

no. an equal number speak polish.
both 1% of the population.
Note that doesn't include people being literate in scots but only can speak it.

been to wales
its literally english

>but Ireland isnt

ireland is free
wales is part of england

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Ireland is owned by the USA and has no connection to the Gaels other than living in the same land.

their great sin was being near African savages until the Norman invasion in 1081. In that year, there were no buildings standing in Wales save for a few stone huts that the nomadic pastoralist population called churches and monastic cells.

the oldest books in Britain are in welsh, from Caledonia.l;

Most of England is still "Welsh" ethnically.

US bases. Kek I like Britain's shape, perfect circle nearly - look at Ireland meanwhile

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emm… ethnicity is either religion or language.
Britain is a triangle and Ireland is a circle.

>emm… ethnicity is either religion or language.
Ethnicity mainly refers to ancestry/genetic heritage.

no one thinks that.
it doesn't make sense either since then you might as well say all of Europe is one ethnicity.

Of course they do. You're in the minority here lad.

C-can I be celtic too?

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crazy how the English should be exterminated.
but it isn't really.
but the English don't exist apparently since they were related to welsh people 1400 years ago.