>you have the power of reality manipulation and creation.
>what would you change about the world or cunts?
I'd make all of Africa Wakanda. And make everyone on earth beautiful and fit.
You have the power of reality manipulation and creation
kill myself painlessly
> capeshit
Delete Germany from existence
Snap my fingers and turn every single russian into ash
Keep everything else the same because now the world is perfect
I would just create women to love me hahaha
Why would you kill yourself when I just made everyone beautiful?
i would move germany and Russia onto pacific ocean and conquer the great german sea and the Russian ocean
i would give all 3d women aids
then i would create a dog girl, i make myself masculine and charming, then the dog girl fall in love with me.
of course this would put her in danger (every other girl has aids and she is a beauty doggerino ) but if anyone try to hurt her or me they instantly get stabbed by gypsys
then i make taylor swift black and beyonce white with no boobs or ass
then i make all chads look like incels
then i give everyone on Yas Forums chad look
then i make americans into goblins and the horrors from the amerimutt pictures, but they are of course in great pain at every moment because i want them to suffer
then i give russian men maximum height of 155cm
i do other things too
Fuck you, my dick needs russian porn. For your blasphemy i'm deleting Finland.
I'd give every lonely user a loving gf.
non selfish answer: i'd eliminate poverty, give everyone what they might need, cover every basic need, and lastly but not least make the capitalist class pay for their crimes and greed
selfish answer: i'd make myself beautiful and make a 6'5 chad fall in love with me
1. I'd remove all technology made after the year 1300. No such items will ever work again.
2. Erase all modern cities, replace them with villages and cities of old.
3. Create magic, a power for those willing to learn. Not easily mastered, it will be just a few who possess the skill and will to unlock its potential.
4. Fill the world with mythological creatures from our past, dragons will once again fly in the sky and monsters will lurk in the darkness.
5. Elves, trolls, orcs, mermaids, dwarfs and all else will have a place in my world. Their kind will all be granted a country, the world will be split into their native lands.
6. Each of these countries will have a chosen leader, a leader I will give power and strength beyond that of normal mortals. It will be their job to lead and guide, protect and serve.
That is what I would do. I would create a harsh but fair world. A world no longer dependant on technology, but instead on the hearts of men, the will of the magicians and the sharpness of their steel.
So would i get chad looks or goblin des americas
Chad goblins, the Muric-hai
Rude of you to make me a goblin but its alright i guess
i dont count americans as Yas Forums posters
delete M*rvel and make DC the only source of capekino
I would create my own nation in the middle of the Atlantic. And call it Atlantis. On a huge rock safe from all the waves. With defensive shields and weapons on all sides. Entirely self-sustainable.
An advanced civilization with only perfect white people.
Then I'd make myself immortal. Fill the universe with alien species, weaker than myself. And push humans towards space exploration.
I would kill all humans (including myself) incredibly painfully, and then restart the earth.
Bring back dinosaurs. Just over night, world and oceans filled with every damn prehistoric monster that ever lived.
Sit back, watch the chaos.
This is the only board i browse you racist
you're a Yas Forumstard at heart
But if everyone is beautiful, no one really is. No contrast anymore. Unless that was the point.
Anyway i'd change nothing and would simply observe how it all goes, that would bemost interesting. That's assuming i'm immortal now, which is kinda implied.
I'll only interfere if something truly catastrophic and apocalyptic happens
I honestly don't know. If I could fix all the problems in the world with the snap of my finger, what would be the point of all of it?
>what would you change about the world or cunts?
Nothing. I'd just make my self a living God and have fun.
why is he making that face
He is seeding the hole he created with seeds in his image, if you know what I mean.
I would make the world 56% more safe by just removing 13%.
Bring back Hitler. Not for nazi reasons or anything, I just need a friend and I feel like Hitler would be a very entertaining dude at the pub.
>move all Muslims from Europa to Israel