What is it like to live in Eastern Europe?
What is it like to live in Eastern Europe?
dunno lol
it's allright
It's like Bladerunner 2049 and Drive combined lol idk
I wouldn't call it living
Eastern Europe is different. Czech or Estonia is ok. Finland is generally lovely. Ukraine / Russia / Belarus - God forbid
living 6 years in the west I can easily say living in eastern europe is not that bad. I myself came back and I do not intend to leave my country never again.
6/10 at least I'm not in Africa or moldova
Economically speaking, Russia is closer to Hungary than Ukraine.
I remember driving back to my shithole after spending a week in Berlin in 2014 and being depressed at how fucking ugly and poor everything was
shit is wack here, but it's getting better
Berlin is a multucultural hellhole full of arabs, turks and other middle easterh trash. I had a gf from Berlin, I know what I'm talking about.
Climate like a lot like Norway in central and northern part except for bad living conidions starting from salaries and ending up with medical services.
You will literally see more asians and arabs in Warsaw than in Berlin
t. been to Berlin 3 times
poverty, despair, depression, vodka, drug abuse and so on
>You will literally see more asians and arabs in Warsaw than in Berlin
I lived in Berlin and I live in Warsaw now. Don't tell me where about things you have no idea about..........
The most "Eastern Europe" place I've been to is Bratislava, which is probably much better than countries like Ukraine or Serbia. However, even Bratislava was insanely ugly and impoverished by Western standards. The commieblocks are just so utterly grim.
The westoids dont like it because they cant have san fran meth/popper fag gangbangs and take multiple shitdicks up their aidsholes to later march around the city promoting that lifestyle
yeah bro just ignore the thousands of indians and filipinos all over Warsaw
Poland racially pure and based, Germanistan brown and cringe
don't even compare imigration level between Warsaw and Berlin. It's not even close.
Shit. I spend most of my life watching anime/youtube and browsing Yas Forums to escape depression
>the thousands of indians and filipinos all over Warsaw
what are they doing here ?
I have to agree with you. Every major city is a literal shithole in western europe.
Appreciating the skyline
Just like in the picture you posted
working in what ? wage are higher in west europe
mostly industries, construction, simple jobs
some like Indians work in IT
>wage are higher in west europe
So? it's still 5 times richer than Ukraine or Philippines, that's why they come here
Canada or America are obviously still more popular
i mean they travelled half the world to europe and go to poor country to work ? that doesnt make sense to me
pretty poor for 2 mil city 2bh
the fact that you took migrants who live in tents and leech off your welfare doesn't make any sense either, yet here we are
Economically speaking, Russia is closer to Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and other countries dependent on producing crude