I say let Finland and Sweden get some.
Whats the history of Norway hogging the North Atlantic Coast?
We colonised the land and sterilized the natives there, it's our land
Their right to control those shores stems from the name of their country, it's natural for "Norway" to own the path going north.
It looks unfair for Finland.
Blame Russia for taking Petsamo after the Winter War.
Those places look cool to live at.
I would have gladly go there provided the gibs from the government considering there are no jobs.
There used to be some border dispute's, in 1751 Denmark-Norway and Sweden reached an agreement and in 1826 the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway and Russia reached an agreement.
Fuck the history. What matters is that it will all be Finnish in the future
Dra tilbake til viddah, samefaen.
The first people who lived there were ancient Norwegians belonging to the Fosna and Komsa cultures. These would later emigrate from the area for some reason.
Later, Norwegians began expanding their fishing industry all along the coast. By 900 AD there was a settlement as far north as Tromsø which had a monopoly on all things reindeer and walrus which made good money in Europe. Beyond that was considered a wasteland with little to no people at all, until Samis populated it and it became tax land (later colonised). This tax land once stretched into the entire Kola peninsula as well until Novgorod claimed it all.
It was not natural for Sweden to have any claim on this area because there were separated from the area by a big, mountainous wasteland only inhabited by tiny groups of Sami here and there.
So us Norwegians were there before the Sami people? They are actually not the true natives?
I would love to cycle along the coastline one summer. All the way south to Denmark
finland must suffer
Not native in the sense that they were first, no. I don't remember when they immigrated into Norway but it was thousands of years later.
So we didn't steal their land then, so to speak?
Everyone is Norwegian
We sort of did. By the time they moved into Finnmark there were no Norwegian populations to speak of, so I suppose it became their land.
I should add that if there were any Norwegians left there they would've been absorbed into the Sami culture.
Yeah, Norway! Quit hogging the coast!
>literally called Finnmark
>inhabited by sami
>historically finnic
We have the military power to take it.
It's called Finnmark because finnar/skridefinnar was the old Norwegian word for Sami. Swedes were the ones who called you Finns and called the Sami Lapps, hence the confusion.
That red circle + Kola Peninsula should be the land of Samís.
Doesn't make you any less of a filthy colonizer. Give it back, we at least speak almost the same language as them.
its plain stupid to even think sweden and finland got any claim up there, its one think that ties all of norway togethere and defines our territory and that is the coastline and whats accessible from it. before the car and modern roads a trip from haparanda to alta by land during winter would be worse than oslo - alta by boat.
>Teutons were in Finnmark by 4000 bce
>Scandinavian history is some balkans tier bullshit
It's the newest ebin meme by coping amerifats larping as scandis. sami and finns aren't native because they only arrived 4000-3000 years ago.
Gentlemen please, Kvens came for a good fish in there. The truth is Saami got their assess handed to them. I feel a bit bad for our cousin's but they'll thrive in Finnmark if they have the willpower to preserve themselves. The fastest growing demographic in Finnmark is asylees anyways.
Norwegians were there in 10000 BC, bro. The Samis were comparatively recent immigrants, coming in around 2000 years ago. This is nonsense.
We could mess with the Mexibros then because Aztecs only came to Mexico proper just a couple centuries prior to the Europeans.
Every history is Balkans-tier if you're angry enough. I could become a militant Connecticut regionalist and demand Pennsylvania and New York return our rightful clay if I really wanted to.
It's ours. It's all Norwegian (Germanic) lands. All the way to the Russian border.
The Samis live close to the Finnish border. Along the coast is mainly only Norwegian germanics (the samis in Norway are Norwegian too mind you).
This a Norwegian half-sami (I think)
Komsa weren't Norwegians and Saami incorporated those paleo-Europeans to themselves.
We Norwegians went north as the ice retreated after the ICE AGE. There were NO ONE there back then. The samis came much later from the east. We are the NATIVES of northern Norway.
These areas have nothing to do with the country Finland. Norwegians lived at the coasts and had the most contact with the Samis. Just because they are Finnic doesn't mean they should belong to Finland.
why is finnar the swedish word for pimples?
If they don't like it here, they should go back to the back to Finland. Or maybe Finns and Samis should go back to the FUCKING URLAS!
The difference in europe is the meaning of local culture and dominant factors in the region. When nationalism arised ideals shifted away from grand empires holding multicultural lands into one culture and language forming a nation state. The issue is that these divisions rarely happened fairly which leads to border tension and warmongering between different factions. USA was a colonial nation first and later American manifest destiny lands are extention of current nation where mostly the oppressed natives resides either way, so in that matter state divisions hold little value.