How did modern Greek people fuck up Athens so bad? Do they have anything in common with the old Greeks?
How did modern Greek people fuck up Athens so bad? Do they have anything in common with the old Greeks?
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Modern Greeks are doing exactly what old Greeks were doing. Sitting around doing nothing.
Only difference is that old Greeks has slaves to do the work and modern Greeks don't.
if only we could put at work all those fucking shitskins that have come here illegally. how you do it with your shitskins?
shame the turks hadn't stored their gunpowder under the landscape
more like grimdark
Balkan is basically IRL Warhammer
We ought to take all their historical artefacts and store them in our museums before they ruin them.
You actually need to have an industry and economy for that.
that don't answer the question though about how we take advantage of our shitskins
It does. You need an industry and workplaces set up to put them to work. Greece has none of those.
Kievan Rus - an ancient barbarian pagan state, fucked the women of the Byzantine Empire and forced the ancient Greeks to pay tribute. What do you expect from modern Greeks after that?
alright, bring me someone that can answer me then, why am I even talking to you, you're probably pumping gas for a living.
10 million greeks in the world, most stuck in a single city.
I know that Greek geography does not help, but the government should try to spread these people across the country.
That's clearly Ecatepec or Cairo
A remember my mom who was from Yugoslavia went to Greece for a work placement during her university years and worked at a power plant. Apparently the only thing everyone did there sit around and do nothing
at least he has a job
Athens was never intended to be anything other than a temporary capital, the sights were always set on Constantinople.
Mira bien pendejo, esos son edificios, no casas.
turkish shitskins genocided Greeks, so Greek refugees flooded Greek cities and caused unnatural fast growth
Athens looked like other European capitals before
Do you think that the Christian Greek speakers are ethnically Ancient Greek without mixture of Christian Arabs and anatolians/Greeks?
Byzantine Greeks speakers weren't ethnically Greek.
Yeah I am sure Moroccan slums look a lot better Omar
The fact athens is the capital is just proof it's utter uneducated cultureless retards LARPing as ancient Greeks.
>turkish shitskins genocided Greeks
Why are we so based?
At least moroccan weren't enslaved, raped, conquered and served as human sex doll for turks for 500 years
whats based about shitskins killing white children?
all the raped women gave birth to turkish shitskins
the Greeks are the white ones who resisted and dont look like moroccan subhumans
Greeks after 300CE weelre simply Christian Arab Greek speakers anatolians and Armenians.
Ethnic Greek were exterminated by Constantine as the only thing that mattered us Christianity not greekness.
>"we were building civilization while you all were swinging from trees!"
>really just had one good military formation
>no one paid attention because everyone was too busy fucking each other politically
Hell, Cato warned the romans about falling in love with the fucking hellenes and look what happened in the eastern half of the empire
imagine being some fat hairy brown balding mustached retard having your mid day siesta in the sun yelling 'WE WUZ HELLENIC' while eating a kebab which you call a gyro and yelling about the fat hairy brown balding mustached retards next door being turkish or albanian subhumans and outlawing mirrors in your house because you can't accept reality.