Um, can I get a BASED right here?
Um, can I get a BASED right here?
Man i'm glad this virus exist, burgerfags dying is great
Why do Americans love to die so much?
Grim desu
About 60% of American anons have died already.
>70% of all deaths are blacks and hispanics
Ummm, based department? Can I sign up for your newsletter?
I knew this would happen
For the past several months I’ve been saying that our country would get hit the hardest because of our high rates of obesity and unhealthy lifestyles and now it’s finally happening
If you’re obese you get what you deserve
we arent being hit the hardest
Greenland is green.
>we arent being hit the hardest
C'mon guys this is serious...
not per capita no
uuuh based
10th in cases per capita and 8th in deaths per capita.
Next up is being 1st in deaths per capita.
>Has the highest # of infections and highest # of deaths
>We aren’t being hit the hardest
Not per capita no.
Vietnam won... AGAIN!
When corona ends Usa will be the healthiest country
You are 330m people
Italy is around 60m
>C'mon guys this is serious...
>Americans hate their own people
I'm glad that I'm not an American.
Why do you not?
Your kill count is still lower than us at least. We're like 53 % (kill/closed case) while you're like 41 %.
Our country has shit diet as well though.
America should be fine assuming they actually put effort into flattening the curve instead of not giving a shit.
you'd be glad too if the virus was gonna kill zainichi mostly
it's the same with the bubonic plague. Everyone was affected by it but whitoid chimps were dying from it more than everyone else. It's because they are the weakest and most recessive race. It will be hilarious watching them die out to this one.
now the mcburgers come back to bite you in the ass
Niggers and spics are not american. 100% of african americans were not brought here to be americans they were farm equipment. 100% of spics either illegally crossed the border or are the sons/grandsons of illegal border crossers. Before 1980 there were basically no spics in this country.
>1k4 dead over a population of 328 millions
wow that's fucking nothing
way too early to care about per capita stats
If it makes you feel any better. 3 of my grandparents died
wow it's almost like 99% of the infected only got infected within the last 3 weeks and don't die immediately
Feeling comfy in Ohio. Not fucked like Sweden
people don't die the moment they are infected obviously. you are weeks behind italy
it kinda does ,thanks for sharing
Nice, did you at least get some of their stuffs?
Nah we aren't.
Shut up boomer
>He UNIRONICALLY says this as a White ""American""
>Comparing a state to a country
Uhh is this the famous american education i always heard about?
>Comparing a region to a different region
Wow what an idiot