Post cool animals from your country

Post cool animals from your country
This is a European otter.

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great beer

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Well, this is a south american otter.
He's uglier than pampered faggy european otters, but he doesn't give a fuck and is still an absolute chad. Look at him making that fish his bitch. Female european otters all secretly crave the Big Brazilian Otter Cock.

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love these little niggas like you wouldn't believe

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this weird amphibian

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do dogos count?

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Maltese freshwater crab

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Giant otters are based

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also this other coward reptile

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Ignore flag. I’m Aussie, I just live here.

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Key deer, a species of deer endemic to the Florida Keys. Special for being really, really small and living on tropical islands.
Pictured here is an adult male.

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hey u guiz want sum leprosy?

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they're fucking based, I own one

Florida alligator

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Slow Worm (Legless Lizard)

I mean
It's called the Komodo DRAGON
How did you think it ate?

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lmao is that a baby dear that was just birthed?

Animals like this should literally be systematically murderd


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with humans in the first order

Komodos are cool, be quiet.

This is a cacomixtle

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>maximum length of 3 metres (10 ft) in rare cases and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms (150 lb)
>there are two glands in the lower jaw which secrete several toxic proteins
>A visiting Swiss tourist, Baron Rudolf Reding von Bibiregg, who disappeared on Komodo Island, may have been killed and eaten by Komodo dragons
>A Komodo dragon killed an 8-year-old boy on Komodo Island.
Holy fuck

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These guys are peak based.

the hyper nigdog

The elusive gypsy

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Capybara/capivara. Might as well call it "Japanese bait", for some reason Japanese folks are fan of it.
They're chill as fuck and some even allow you to approach and pet them, provided you aren't a childish moron like my ex-gf (who went "OOOOH CAPYBARAS" running towards them. Of course they fled.)

>vitello first
This guy knows what's up!

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This hecking cuterino, the Quati.
I had a quati doll when I was a child and it was one of my favorite toys :)

Can confirm that capivaras are indeed chill as fuck and will let anyone pet them.

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Even komodo dragons?

If the komodo dragon doesn't attack them, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised at all for the capivaras to not feel bothered with him hanging around them. They seriously are that chill.


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