>be United States of America >China's economy is growing at remarkable pace, will overtake the US soon >must find a way to destabilize China before they become too powerful >launch trade war, fails miserably. China GDP still grows 6% >fund Hong Kong protests for months, try to provoke Tiananmen 2.0 to justify global sanctions against China >CCP doesn't take the bait >dumb HKers set old people on fire, movement loses international support >fuck, have no choice >unleash bioweapon in Wuhan during the 2019 Military World Games >virus is incredibly infectious, 2 week incubation period, asymptomatic spread, basically impossible to contain >takes weeks to kill, will silently infect tens of thousands in Wuhan before CNY where everyone will travel to every corner of China >China will fail to contain virus, economy will collapse, international community will shun China and will impose decades of economic sanctions >virus will burn through elderly population in US, solving the funding problems with social security and medicaid saving US government trillions >USA remains world power for next century >BUT >China somehow discovers the virus in 1 chang in a city of 11 million, far earlier than expected, sequences genome 5 days later >China immediately realizes virus is an engineered bioweapon, shuts down whole country instantly >facial recognition AI-enabled temperature-sensing CCTV cameras track down every infected individual in the country >every single person with the virus located and quarantined, spread stopped instantly >USA CDC completely fucks up the tests because it's a bioweapon unlike anything seen before >USA now can't let all the old people die after China heroically saves their population >no choice but to shut everything down, causing economic armageddon >China now virus-free while USA thrown into economic turmoil >USA completely BTFO
Where were you when the USA's plot for world domination completely backfired?
Why is this 50 cent army shilling allowed here? Fuck off Zhang, your Wuhan virus destroyed the world economy because you refuse to close the exotic wet market. Your shitty theories work on facebook boomers, not here.
None of your articles say anything about the virus being engineered. In fact, the one Nature article that does say something about it, which you didn't link, says that it is not manmade.
Actually my friend, if you do your research the economy was already at the brink of collapse. It was already failing. The economic collapse was going to happen and it was going to happen very soon. This pandemic allows for two things. One, shifting the blame. Now world leaders, governments, economists have something else to blame other than the mechanism that would allow for such a collapse in the first place. Two, the printing of money to avoid the destruction of the current financial markets rather than letting it evolve.
Charles Stewart
when you have a weapon you most likely have the means to disable it
'no' >be chink >eat rodents >get virus >government arests people who warn of virus >virus spreads >continue to eat rodents and vermin that not even wild animals will eat
Eli Evans
t. Schizophrenic chink student diaspora
I hope you are lynched by an angry mob real soon.
Jason Butler
nah, made-in-china means shit so their genetically engineered virus was leaked out from their bioweapon lab before developing vaccine
USA is a timid bully. They pretend to be a land of freedom but they actually are not. Tariffs is a good example of it. They fear other countries overtake them so crush rivals before it happens.
Unlike blacks and Muslims who are protected species in most Western countries and are given carte blanche to commit all the crimes we want while still being venerated by most of society and have plenty of apologists, there seems to be nothing but genuine animosity and seething by Westerners against the gook menace. Even the most progressive and cuckolded of Westerners, take joy in emasculating them and laughing at the tiny dicks and manlets of most yellow zipperheads, and of rubbing it in that vast majority of gook women overwhelmingly prefer white men. Gooklets can do nothing but seethe at this.
Why do Western liberals hate gooks so much while every other minority gets basically a free pass to even sexually assault white children?