Johanna to Dad: I would like as a gift a pony for Christmas.
Papa: All right.
Johanna: Really, I love you more than anything!
Dad on Christmas Eve: Johanna, your hairdressing appointment is ready.
Johanna to Dad: I would like as a gift a pony for Christmas.
Papa: All right.
Johanna: Really, I love you more than anything!
Dad on Christmas Eve: Johanna, your hairdressing appointment is ready.
Two Eskimos go home.
One asks the other: "Where's your igloo actually?"
The other screams: "Oh no, I left the iron on!"
Couple in bed:
You: "Give me animal names."
He: "Mouse."
She: "Give me dirty animal names.
He: "Dirty mouse."
Funny German story
German: Okay Jew now you're going to die
Jew: But I don't want to die
German: Hahaha
What do women and hand grenades have in common?
If you take off the ring, your house is gone.
What does a gay eagle do?
He flies to his nest.
dangerously based
hah, good ones
What is on the cleaning lady's tombstone?
It never returns!
What does the big pen say to the small pen?
Two hunters meet
Both dead
Where does a deer go without hair?
To the rehab clinic.
Russians, known around the world for being silly drunkyards, have very smart funny jokes
Germans, known for being clockwork hardworking intelectuals, have silly funny jokes.
Interesting world we live in
Scientists found out and then went back inside.
Is nest a synonym for a boyhole in german?
why the hell do I even laugh at that
well, I do tho
this is the only one I understand
The eyrie of an eagle is called a Horst in German. Horst happens to be a male given name.
What has 4 legs and one arm?
A happy pitbull
>German humor
shut up it's funny
tell an american joke
My sense of humor is like a refugee: not always well received.
this one is actually chuckle-worthy
I dont get it.
My cock was once in the book of records. Then I was kicked out of the library.
One of my favourites :
What's brown and stands on the roadside ?
A hazelnut.
Nest for eagle means horst which is also a male surname
What is small, green and triangular?
A small green triangle
Germany’s birthdate